Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) refers to diseases related to the heart and blood vessels (including arteries, veins, and microvessels). The common ones are heart, brain, and peripheral vascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, and myocardial infarction. , stroke, eye stroke, etc., the pathology of different diseases are different. In 2010, heart disease was the second and cerebrovascular disease was the fourth among the top ten causes of death, as well as vascular disease caused by hypertension, diabetes and kidney disease, all of which are part of the cardiovascular disease that needs to be taken care of. Although aging is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, along with factors such as lifestyle, high work pressure, less exercise, and eating out, the age of suffering from cardiovascular disease is getting lower and lower, and cardiovascular disease is no longer only happen in the elders.

The Probability of Piabetic Nephropathy is as High as 80%? Is Kidney Dialysis Necessary in the End Stage of Diabetes? Symptoms At Once

Many dialysis patients have diabetes. When there is high blood sugar in the body, the organs throughout the body are like being soaked in sugar…

Diabetes Requires Chromium Supplementation? These are the Functions and Benefits of Chromium. Take a Look at the Top 10 Chromium-containing Foods.

Many diabetes-related nutritional products or drinks contain chromium, which is emphasized to control blood sugar. What exactly is chromium…

Why Would You Have Hypoglycemia if You Don’t Have Diabetes? Symptoms, Causes, and What to Eat of Hypoglycemia

You don’t have diabetes, but you have symptoms of hypoglycemia? Hypoglycemia is often associated with diabetes, which raises concerns about …

Heart Disease Diet Menu Guide! Eating This Type of Fish Can Strengthen Your Heart and Reduce Strokes

When planning a heart-healthy diet, eating fish is a very important part. It is recommended to eat at least two servings of fish per week, especially

How to Care for Patients with Heart Disease? Pay Attention to 4 Key Points to Prevent New Symptoms!

Heart disease requires extra careful care, and special attention must be paid to diet, life, and exercise. Depending on the type of heart disease…

Feeling Uncomfortable With too Fast Heartbeat? Avoid These 4 Types of Foods That Affect Your Heart Rate

Many factors affect how fast our heart beats per minute, commonly known as heart rate, including diet, activity level, emotional state and …

Too Much Sugar Can Lead to Tooth Decay! Understand Added Sugar and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

“Sugar” plays a very important role in daily diet. In addition to being used for flavoring in many dishes, it also appears in many processed

How to Lower High Blood Pressure? 6 Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Will Tell You at Once

High blood pressure is a very common disease. According to the latest research data from the National Health Service in 2021, in the UK, high blood pressure is the third biggest risk factor for all disease after smoking and poor diet. Around one in three adults in the UK has high blood pressure. In England, … Read more

Be Careful if You Like to Eat Something Too Salty! Beware of High Blood Pressure and Kidney Failure Coming to You

Salt causes water to be retained in the body, which affects the function of the kidneys. If your diet contains too much sodium, your body will…

What Should I Do if I Have an Irregular Heartbeat? Irregular Heartbeat Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

The heartbeat rate of a normal adult at rest is 60 to 100 beats per minute, and most people are between 60 and 80 beats. Arrhythmia…

7 Must-know Ways to Prevent High Blood Pressure: Regular Blood Pressure and BMI Measurements Will Keep You in Check!

“Prevention is better than cure” applies to all aspects of life, and will resonate particularly well with people suffering from health problems. Nowadays…

Children with Congenital Heart Disease: 4 Common Causes and Symptoms of Congenital Heart Disease, 80% of Children Can Grow Up Smoothly​

Congenital heart disease is one of the most common birth defects in newborns. It generally refers to all diseases related to heart function…

Stay Away From Bad Cholesterol and Prevent Heart Disease! Eat These Foods to Eliminate Bad Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that is very important to the human body. It helps the body produce new cells, hormones and insulate nerves…

Relax and Take a Deep Breath! Work Stress Doubles Heart Disease Risk

There are many causes of heart disease, especially people’s living habits. For example, eating abnormally, eating too many foods with high…

Be Careful if You Smoke or Drink Excessively For a Long Time! A Look At the Top 10 Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease

Most risk factors for cardiovascular disease can be treated, controlled, and improved. Although some factors cannot be controlled, such as…

Congenital Heart Disease Want to Get Pregnant? Risks, Complications, and Medication Instructions for Pregnancy in Patients with Heart Disease

Many patients with congenital heart disease believe that they cannot get pregnant and are worried that their heart condition will affect future

Lycopene and Omega-3 Are Good for Heart Health! What You Need to Know About the 3 Major Nutrients in Your Diet for Heart Disease

According to research statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), heart disease has long been one of the leading causes of death worldwide…

Understanding Heart Disease: The Top Risk Factors and Best Ways to Prevent it

Heart disease is one of the top 10 causes of death in the world, and most patients with severe heart and blood vessel disease have a constellation …

What is Chelation Therapy? Can it Treat Heart Disease? Understand the Uses and Side Effects of Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy, also known as chelation therapy, is mainly used to treat heavy metal poisoning. Based on its principles, some scholars have …

What Are the Foods that Good for Your Heart? You Should Know the 4 Most Powerful Heart-protecting Ingredients

The heart is a very important organ of the human body. Nothing is more important than taking good care of the heart. In order to take good…

What to Eat is Better For Your Heart? 3 Natural Foods to Strengthen Your Heart Health!

The heart is a very important organ in the human body, and nothing is more important than taking good care of the heart. In order to take careful…

Please Avoid Taking These 4 Types of Drugs At the Same Time! High Blood Pressure Medication Instructions

When taking drugs to treat high blood pressure (Hypertension), special attention must be paid to whether the subsequent drugs taken will violate..

How to Prevent High Blood Pressure? 8 Daily Diet Methods to Lower Blood Pressure

You keep gaining weight without changing your eating habits, or you are serious about losing weight but your weight does not change…

Keep Moving to Lower Blood Pressure! If You Have High Blood Pressure, Do These 3 Exercises

Regular exercise is an effective way to lower blood pressure, and if you don’t feel like going to the gym, that’s okay as there are plenty of activities…

Do You Develop High Blood Pressure After Sleeping and Snoring for Many Years? See the 4 Major Causes of Secondary Hypertension

Hypertension has long been regarded as a disease that affects many people, affecting 1 in 4 people and ranking among the top 10 causes of death…

What is the Normal Value of Blood Lipids? Cholesterol and Triglyceride Testing Instructions

The human body uses cholesterol (Cholesterol) to build cells and produce hormones. However, if the concentration of cholesterol is too…

Are You Afraid That High Blood Pressure? Learn These 5 Dietary Concepts Quickly

In most cases, high blood pressure often has no symptoms. Unless they have the habit of regularly measuring their blood pressure, most people…

Does High Blood Pressure Cause Impotence? High Blood Pressure and Antihypertensive Drugs May Cause Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED), commonly known as impotence or infertility, refers to the inability to maintain an erection to satisfy sexual function…

What Should You Not Drink If You Have High Blood Pressure? Can I Drink Red Wine and Beer? The Key is to Look At This!

In recent years, the proportion of people suffering from high blood pressure has been rising, which is related to the westernization of diet…

Measuring Blood Pressure At Home: Types of Aphygmomanometers, Location and Posture for Measuring Blood Pressure, Blood Pressure Standards, and Precautions

Blood pressure is the pressure generated by blood flowing in the arteries. Whether blood pressure is too high or too low, it may have a negative impact

Nuclear Medicine Examination. Nuclear Stress Test. Uses, Instructions, Risks, and Procedures

Nuclear stress test (or myocardial perfusion scan) is a nuclear medicine cardiac diagnostic method (nuclear medicine examination…

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery. Surgical Risks, Procedures, Preoperative Preparation, Postoperative Wound Care Instructions

Coronary artery bypass surgery (Coronary artery bypass surgery, also known as Bypass surgery, also known as Coronary artery bypass graft…

Feel Dizzy When You Stand Up From a Squat? Definition, Causes, And Treatment of Postural Hypotension

Mary would feel dizzy whenever she squatted or stood up, and sometimes her vision would be blurred. After going to the hospital for examination,

Maze Surgery: Applicable Populations, Risk Factors, Surgical Procedures and Postoperative Recovery

The name of Maze surgery comes from its surgical principle. It uses electric cautery, freezing or scalpel cutting to create “scar tissue” on the myocardium..

Can’t Eat Meat if Your Cholesterol is Too High? You Can Feel at Ease Eating These 4 Kinds of Meat

Cholesterol is very important to the body, but if it is too high, it may cause a burden on the body and increase the risk of blood vessel obstruction

Top 5 Cholesterol-lowering Foods: Oatmeal and Beans Are Effective. Eating this “Meat” Can Also Lower Cholesterol!

Cholesterol index is closely related to eating habits. If you regularly eat foods containing a large amount of saturated fat and trans fat, such as…

Does High Cholesterol Cause Impotence? Sexual Function of Both Men and Women May be Affected

There are many reasons for high cholesterol, but no matter what the cause is, we should control our diet to lower cholesterol to prevent high…

Have High Blood Pressure But Don’t Want to Take a Lot of Medicine? Take a Quick Look At the Ways to Lower Blood Pressure, and Let You Know 5 Lifestyle and Diet Suggestions

Hypertension is now a very common chronic disease. According to statistics from the National Health Service around one in three adults in the…

What is Palpitations? Understand the 3 Causes of Heart Palpitations. Heart Palpitations Do Not Necessarily Mean Fast Heartbeats

We all know that the heart beats when a person is alive, but have you noticed that we rarely feel our heart beating? When you really feel…

What Should I Do if My Triglycerides Are Too High? Learn About Causes, Symptoms and Dietary Treatments

Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the blood and can be produced by the liver or obtained through food intake. When the body needs energy…

Stroke or Heart Attack While Having Sex. Answers to Common Questions About Heart Disease and Sex Life

Intimacy is very important in life. Most people cannot live without sex forever. However, those who have heart disease or have had myocardial infarction …

What to Do if You Have Low Blood Pressure? Understand the Causes, Standards, Symptoms and Treatment of Hypotension

As long as blood pressure is mentioned, most people think of the harm caused by high blood pressure. In fact, low blood pressure can also cause a …

Cardiovascular Disease is Serious! 10 Tips to Help You Protect Your Heart

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the world, and many…

Heart Cardiomegaly! Definition, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Cardiomegaly is not a disease, but refers to the enlargement of the heart found through chest X-ray examination. However, Cardiomegaly..

What is Cholesterol? Look At the Density of Lipoproteins to Determine Whether They Are Good or Bad

Everyone has heard about cholesterol, and perhaps knows that too much cholesterol is harmful to the heart and can easily lead to …

It Only Takes a Few Minutes to Kill! The Causes of Sudden Cardiac Death. Prevent Sudden Death With These 4 Tips!

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the world. However, many heart disease patients are not aware that they have a heart problem…

Considering Cholesterol? Eat Egg Yolk and Seafood in Moderation You Don’t Have to Worry High Cholesterol

When you think of cholesterol, what comes to your mind? Eggs, offal, or seafood like scallops, oysters, and oysters? No matter what kind of food…

Infection Causes Heart Inflammation! Endocarditis Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

The heart itself can be divided into three layers: endocardium, myocardium, and epicardium from the inside to the outside. Endocarditis

What is Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation? The Principles, Uses, Risks, and Costs of ECMO

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) may be a medical device. Because it is often used in medical conditions involving life and death…

Is Heart Disease in Women More Than Just Chest Pain? Symptoms Vary From Person to Person

Heart disease is one of the top causes of death among women, but the symptoms vary from person to person. The symptoms are different from …

Be Careful of Being So Fat That Your Blood Vessels Become Oily! The Link of Obesity and Heart Disease

We all know that heart disease and obesity are closely related, because being overweight and obese will increase the burden on the heart…

Hypertensive Heart Disease: Blood Pressure Standards, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

Heart disease has been among the top ten causes of death for many years, but how much do you know about it? If the types of heart disease are…

How to Care For Vhildren With Congenital Heart Disease? Note That Fast Metabolism Requires High Nutritional Requirements

Not only adults can suffer from heart-related diseases, but children can too, and children with heart disease need twice as much time for care as…

Do You Know the Dietary Taboos for Heart Disease? Avoid High-sugar, High-fat, and High-sodium Foods

According to the Mayo Clinic, restaurants often serve more calories than we need. In order to prevent heart disease from coming to your doorstep…

Coronary Heart Disease – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

Have you heard of coronary heart disease or ischemic heart disease? In fact, these two are both nicknames for coronary heart disease….

Valvular Heart Disease

There are many types of heart disease. In addition to the common hypertensive heart disease and coronary heart disease, valvular heart …

Can Heart Failure be Cured? Heart Failure Classification, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Heart diseases such as hypertensive heart disease (Hypertensive Heart Disease) and coronary heart disease (also known as ischemic heart …

Rheumatic Heart Disease

Compared with the commonly heard terms of coronary heart disease (or coronary heart disease) and hypertensive heart disease, many…

Myocarditis: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention Options

Inflammation is an immune response produced by the human body when it is invaded by viruses or bacteria. Although it helps fight germs and…

Heart Disease Has a Higher Death Rate Than Cancer! Understand Heart Disease Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Heart disease generally refers to all diseases that affect the heart, such as coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, congenital heart disease, etc. When …

Prevent Cardiovascular Disease! Low Sugar, Low Sodium, High Fiber, Good Fat, Keep Four Dietary Principles That Never Heart Your Heart

According to the latest statistics from the WHO, heart disease ranks first among the top 10 causes of death in the world, and has remained so…

Maintaining Heart Health: An Introduction to Heart Health and Function

The heart is a key organ that maintains the normal operation of various functions of the human body. It controls the flow of blood. Any or…

Myocardial Infarction: Symptoms, Precursors, Causes, Prevention, First Aid

Myocardial infarction, also known as a heart attack, refers to the blockage of the coronary arteries leading to the myocardium, which prevents…

Understanding Blood Pressure: Blood Pressure Standards, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of High Blood Pressure

Long-term high blood pressure (Hypertension) will increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and other diseases. Especially when…

The 4 Major Effects of Coenzyme Q10 are Exposed! But These Three Types of People Cannot Eat It.

A healthy diet is one of the keys to preventing cardiovascular disease, but if you want to work harder on cardiovascular health or make up

The Savior For a Slow Heartbeat! Introduction to the Functions and Types of Heart Pacemaker

Arrhythmia is a symptom that many patients with heart disease may experience. In addition to treatment with anti-arrhythmia drugs, a…

Can I Exercise if I Have Heart Disease? Pay Attention to Heart Rate and Focus On Aerobic Exercise

Lack of exercise can be said to be the root of all diseases, especially the sedentary lifestyle in modern society, which not only promotes obesity…

Beta Blockers

Depending on the type of heart disease, doctors will choose appropriate drugs for treatment, such as nitrates, calcium channel blockers (CCB)…

Cardiac Pacemaker Installation Completed! Precautions and Life Tips for Using a Heart Rate Regulator

Although a pacemaker (also known as a cardiac pacemaker) can help patients with slow heartbeats improve their heart rate, because it is an electronic

What Are the Symptoms of Congenital Heart Disease? Detailed Explanation of the Causes, Types, Treatment and Care of Congenital Heart Defects

According to the statistics of the top ten causes of death by WHO, heart disease ranks first. From the classification of heart diseases…

Should I Need an Electrocardiogram or X-ray for Heart Discomfort? Learn About Various Heart Examination Items

Heart disease generally refers to all diseases that affect the heart. Different types of heart examinations have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Cardiac Arrest – Symptoms, Causes, First Aid

Sudden cardiac arrest (also known as cardiac arrest, asystole) refers to a situation in which the heart suddenly stops beating. At this time, various …

How to Read an Electrocardiogram? Introduction to Wave Pattern Interpretation and Inspection Process

Electrocardiogram is a common detection method used to detect heart rhythm. By attaching electrode patches to the subject’s body, the …

Take Care of Your Heart! 6 Keys to Daily Life to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Understanding how to take care of your heart is the key to maintaining good health and extending your life. So, how can we improve heart health…

Heart Disease Treatment: Heart Surgery at a Glance

Heart surgery is one of the important ways to treat heart disease. Doctors can perform heart transplantation, implant a rhythm regulator or repair…

Hypertrophic Type, Dilated Type? Causes, Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle. You may rarely hear the term “myocardial disease”. Don’t worry, this article will introduce you..

The Heart Becomes Like a Takotsubo! Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Broken Heart Syndrome

Think about it, are there any events in your life that left a deep mark in your memory? Maybe there are painful things like breaking up with a boyfriend …

Young People Are Not Afraid of Heart Disease? Are There Signs of Illness? 10 Common Heart Disease Questions

According to WHO death statistics, on average, someone dies from heart disease every 24 minutes. It is the number one disease among the top ten…

Can’t Tell the Difference Between a Cardiac Shot and a Cardiotonic Drug? Understanding Cardiotonic Drugs

We often hear people say “give a shot in the heart” when a patient is critically ill. What is the role of inotropic agents themselves? Is it like in the movies

Heart Valve Surgery: Valve Repair and Replacement, Types and Costs

The heart has a total of 4 valves, and the heart valves are like valves that control the one-way flow of blood in the heart. If the valve does not …

Asymptomatic But High Fatality Rate? Learn About the 9 Major Risk Factors, Symptoms and Treatments For Aortic Stenosis

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), aortic valve stenosis is a common and serious valve problem. Its risk groups are not limited …

Myocardial Infarction Symptoms Differ Between Men and Women! Women Beware of Stomachache, Cold sweats, and Fatigue

When it comes to heart disease, most people may think of myocardial infarction and obvious chest pain, but you know that there are actually many…

Mitral Valve Prolapse = Mitral Insufficiency? About Heart Valve and Frequently Asked Questions

Speaking of heart valve problems, is the first thing that pops into your mind “mitral valve prolapse” or “valvular insufficiency”? However, what do…

My Heart Hurts So Much? Angina Pectoris = Angina! Chest Pain symptoms and Treatments

The heart is the most important blood-supplying organ in the human body. Abnormalities often cause significant discomfort to patients. Therefore…

Don’t Ignore Numbness and Chills in Your Feet! 7 Major Risk Factors, Causes and Prevention of Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease

Autumn and winter are the seasons for cardiovascular diseases. In addition to coronary heart disease, which can easily lead to sudden death…

If Lower Limb Swelling Occurs, Beware of Deep Vein Thrombosis! Understand the Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Venous Thrombosis At Once

Office workers often sit for long periods of time due to their busy work schedule, but sitting still for long periods of time may lead to …

What is the Normal Heartbeat Value? Why is it Too Fast or too Slow? Teach You How to Calculate Resting Heart Rate Using Pulse

Modern people’s health awareness is gradually increasing, and many people are very concerned about their blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar…

Be Careful With Severe Chest Pain! Analyze the Causes, Signs and Symptoms of Aortic Dissection, and Learn 4 Effective Ways to Prevent It

In recent years, aortic dissection has become a trend among younger people. Many young people have died due to aortic dissection…

Will Mitral Valve Prolapse be Cured? Understand the Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention of Mitral Valve Prolapse

Mitral Valve prolapse may be one of the most commonly mentioned heart diseases in news reports, in addition to myocardial infarction and coronary…

Can You Drink Coffee If You Have Heart Disease? Drinking This Way Actually Helps Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Coffee has become a way of life for most office workers to start their day. However, caffeine is still risky for some people. It may cause…

If Your Baby’s Body Turns Blue, Seek Medical Attention Immediately! Tetralogy of Fallot Disease Have a High Mortality Rate. Success Rate of Surgery Now Reaches 90%

Tetralogy of Fallot Disease is one of the common congenital heart diseases in newborns. When the baby cries due to the serious condition, the skin,…

What Should I Do If My Heartbeat is Too Slow? Don’t panic yet! Understand 9 major causes, symptoms, and treatments

Lost your wallet or dropped your phone and your heart almost skipped a beat? This is not an urban legend! Generally speaking, a heartbeat that is too slow or too fast is called an arrhythmia, and an arrhythmia may be a warning signal from your body. When the heartbeat is too fast, it is mostly … Read more

Graphical Explanation of the Difference Between Myocardial Infarction and Angina Pectoris! Understand the Symptoms, Types and Treatments At Once

Angina pectoris and myocardial infarction are both common coronary heart diseases. When atherosclerosis occurs in the coronary arteries…

Does Arterial Calcification Make Arteries Hard? Vascular Calcification Has Nothing to Do With Eating Calcium! Quit Smoking and Drinking, and Eat Healthily

Most people may have heard of atherosclerosis, and vascular calcification is a very important indicator of arteriosclerosis. The…

Are You Eating Right to Lower Cholesterol? The Functions and Side Effects of 3 Major Cholesterol-lowering Drugs Revealed

Modern people overeat and often consume too many high-cholesterol foods without regular exercise, resulting in high cholesterol concentrations in …

How to Prevent Myocardial Infarction? Premonitory Signs of Myocardial Infarction. Comprehensive Compilation of Preventive Diet and Exercise

The temperature drops sharply from time to time in winter, so myocardial infarction always occurs quickly and quickly. Symptoms such as angina…

Can You Drink Coffee if You Have High Blood Pressure? Does High Blood Pressure Cause Headaches? 4 Major Myths About High Blood Pressure Debunked

n the UK, high blood pressure is the third biggest risk factor for all disease after smoking and poor diet. Around one in three adults in the UK has

Low Diastolic Blood Pressure May Lead to Aortic Valve Insufficiency! Read the Full List of Causes, Treatments and Symptoms

Nancy was often out of breath when she coughed recently. When she checked her blood pressure and found that her diastolic blood pressure was…

“Broken Hole” in the Heart! Does Your Baby Have One Too? Understanding the Symptoms and Treatment of Patent Foramen Ovale

The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body. Thanks to its regular beating day after day, we are able to carry out various daily

Pay Attention to Sarcopenia in Young People. The Risk of Heart Disease Increases. 2 Tips to Prevent Sarcopenia.

According to death statistics, heart disease is still the second among the 10 causes of death in the world. On average, one person dies from heart …

There is No Worst, Only Worse! Cholesterol Goes Bad, Lipoproteins are Responsible!

People always have all kinds of negative associations when it comes to cholesterol, but is this an attempt to incriminate? In fact, there are not…

What is Atherosclerosis? Analysis of Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment of Arteriosclerosis

When the weather changes, cases of coronary heart disease, vascular obstruction or myocardial infarction are reported frequently, and proper…

What Happens If Cholesterol is Too High? How to Improve? Causes and Symptoms of High Cholesterol

Modern people eat three irregular meals and generally lack exercise. They often end up facing the problem of high cholesterol, which is the so-called…

Take Your Blood Pressure Medicines! Efficacy, Side Effects and Precautions of 8 Types of High Blood Pressure Drugs

When the seasons change, it brings not only the discomfort of a sudden drop in temperature, but also the hidden worry of cardiovascular disease …

How to Save Yourself From Myocardial Infarction? 4 Major Rumors Debunked! Learn 3 First Aid Tips for Myocardial Infarction​

Rumors and false information about “self-rescue for myocardial infarction” are flying everywhere; when a myocardial infarction occurs, many…

Hypercholesterolemia is Almost Asymptomatic! Afraid of Excessive Cholesterol! Eat like this

The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia in adult men and women is about 13%; hypercholesterolemia increases the risk of many diseases, including heart

3 Major Types of Heart Inflammation! Read the Complete Symptoms, Examination and Treatment of Heart Inflammation

Redness, swelling, heat, pain, itching, etc. are all common inflammatory reactions in the human body. In fact, not only the body, but also the heart …

4 Foods to Protect Blood Vessels and Prevent Myocardial Infarction! The Dietary Taboos for Patients with Myocardial Infarction Are Not Only Low-fat and Low-sugar

Acute myocardial infarction, the main cause of death for heart disease patients, has gradually become younger in recent years. In addition to smoking…

Can People With High Blood Pressure Drink Chicken Essence? Too Much Sodium Can Cause Blood Pressure to Skyrocket

In recent years, various chicken essences that have been endorsed by celebrities are particularly popular. However, supplementation does not…

Which Specialist Should I See For Palpitations, High Blood Pressure, and Chest Tightness? Cardiologist or Surgeon?

There are many symptoms related to heart disease, such as common heart cramps, chest tightness or headaches. Related diseases include high blood…

Garlic is So Effective in Clearing Blood Vessel, Can it Also Prevent Blood Clots? Take Stock of the 7 Most Powerful Blood-vessel-cleansing Foods!

Bad living habits or eating too much refined food will subtly affect personal health, causing artery walls to lose elasticity and hardening due …

Do You Know the Seafood Cholesterol Rankings! The Cholesterol Content of Some Seafood is Extremely High

British people love to eat seafood. Although people love to eat seafood, many people also know that seafood contains high cholesterol….

Don’t Ignore Purple Nails and Toes! Here Are the Causes, Symptoms, and Types of Cyanosis

When the cold snap comes, many people’s hands and feet often become abnormally cold or even discolored due to poor blood circulation.

Will Taking Moderna Cause Myocarditis? Can Patients With a History of Heart Disease Get the Third Dose? Detailed Explanation of Vaccines and Myocarditis

As the country begins to receive the third dose of the vaccine, news of myocarditis caused by Moderna at home and abroad has once again…

4 Nutrients Can Help Lower Cholesterol! A High-fiber Diet With Good Oils, a Healthy Diet Eliminates Bad Cholesterol

Most modern diets are high in fat and salt, causing many people to suffer from high cholesterol at a young age. If left unchecked, it is likely to lead

Foods to Avoid If You Have Irregular Heartbeat: How to Improve Your Diet? What Can’t You Eat if Your Heart Beats too Fast?

I believe many people have experienced an uncomfortable feeling in their heart, which is usually referred to as palpitations, and arrhythmia is one

How to Lower Cholesterol Quickly? Just Eat These 5 Types of Foods! Not Only Lowers Cholesterol, But Also Prevents Constipation and Diabetes

There are always endless dinner parties and social events during Christmas and New Year. Eating big fish and meat causes people to consume too…

Cause of Weak Heart? What Are the Symptoms? Pay Attention to the 7 Major Signs of Heart Failure

Statistics on the top ten causes of death, heart disease ranks first, closely followed by cancer. Many heart diseases, if not treated early, lead…

Can’t Eat Fruit if Your Cholesterol is Too High? Nearly 90% Adults Eat Too Little Fruit to Lower Cholesterol!

“Eat more fruits and vegetables” is a dietary advice that many people are familiar with. The rich vitamins contained in fruits have many health…

Does Eating Bread Raise Your Cholesterol? What Should You Not Eat If Your Cholesterol is Too High? 5 High-cholesterol Foods to Avoid

Delicious processed foods always make people salivate, but the hidden health risks behind them, such as high fat, high sugar, lack of fiber, etc.,…

What to Do If You Have Early Varicose Veins? Varicose Vein Symptoms, Treatment, and 8 Improvement Methods

Modern people often feel swelling, weakness or cramping in their legs due to sitting and standing for long periods of time, and even veins appearing…

It’s Both a Bomb and a Heart-saving Medicine! Nitroglycerin Sublingual Tablets Functions, Instructions For Use and Myths

Among heart disease drugs, nitrate drugs or emergency drugs commonly known as “nitroglycerin tablets” can be said to be one of the life-saving drugs

Cholesterol too High? 2 Major Dietary Priorities for Lowering Cholesterol + 3 Major Lifestyle Choices

In addition to cancer, cardiovascular disease can be said to be one of the common health threats faced by modern people. Among them…

What is Amyloidosis? Can it be Cured? Introduction to Symptoms and Treatment of Amyloidosis

Because autonomic nerves are present throughout the body, symptoms are sometimes difficult to detect, which is why diagnosis of amyloidosis …

High Blood Pressure May be an Invisible Killer! Don’t Ignore the 5 Major Causes of Heart Disease and 4 Principles to Stay Away From Heart Disease

Modern people often struggle with family and work, and find it difficult to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. When they are stressed out,…

Heart Murmur = Heart Disease? Types, Causes, And Symptoms of Heart Murmur: It Occurs in 30% of Children and Gradually Disappears After 1 Year Old

Mother Mary hugged her son and said nervously, “Doctor, I took my child to the clinic a few days ago. The doctor there said that Tommy has a heart…

Caring for Children With Congenital Heart Disease: Breastfeeding, Diet, Exercise, Daily Precautions

According to statistics, for every 1,000 live births, about 6 to 10 babies suffer from congenital heart disease, including common congenital heart …

Beware of the 3 Major Landmines of Heart Disease! Don’t Have Taboos on High-fat Foods and Sweets? Sedentary People and the Elderly Are High-risk Groups​

The heart is like a generator of the human body, transporting oxygen and nutrients to various organs and tissues at any time. If you do not adopt

5 Myths About Heart Disease! Thin People Do Not Get Heart Disease? Is Heart Disease Necessarily Genetic?​

Heart disease generally refers to all diseases that affect the heart, including cardiovascular disease, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction…

What Does Atrial Fibrillation Feel Like? Understand Atrial Fibrillation Symptoms, Treatment and Complications

Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia and is easily complicated by stroke. However, most people rarely count their own heartbeats…

Can I Get Pregnant if I Have Congenital Heart Disease? Master the 2 Major Care Points for Patients With Congenital Heart Disease and Still be Pregnant

Thanks to medical progress, most children with congenital heart disease can grow normally, and their symptoms will gradually improve with age…

Cholesterol too High? Pay Attention to the 6 Major Symptoms of Hyperlipidemia! Causes and Treatments at Once

Modern people are eating refined foods more and more frequently, but eating and drinking too much is likely to cause rapid fluctuations in blood lipids…

Say Goodbye to Stroke and Myocardial Infarction: 3 Ways to Check Your Blood Vessels Regularly and Maintain Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the world and the number one killer of chronic diseases. More than 50,000 people die every…

Beware of Congenital Heart Disease: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment of “Pulmonary Stenosis”

Survey data shows that among the top ten causes of death in the world, heart disease ranks first, and there are many types of heart disease…

Dizziness, Blurry Eyes, or Stroke? A Look At the 7 Major Signs of Carotid Artery Stenosis and How to Improve It

Many people think that stroke is difficult to prevent and “if you encounter it, you have encountered it.” However, in fact, as long as you

What Causes Pericarditis? What Are the Symptoms of Acute and Chronic Pericarditis? Pericarditis Treatment Analysis

Mr. Smith, a 33-year-old man, has been feeling very uncomfortable in his chest recently. He feels a dull pain when walking, sleeping, or …

What Are the Cardiac Examination Items? 8 Types of Cardiovascular Examinations and 9 Major Signs of Heart Disease

Cardiovascular disease ranks second among the top 10 causes of death in the world, with a very high mortality rate. Regular testing can reduce the risk…

Is Exercise Effective For High Blood Pressure? What Exercises Can be Done to Lower Blood Pressure?

Regular exercise is one of the ways to reduce the risk of blood pressure. Whether you choose to go to the gym, jog or walk outdoors, you can even

Eat Too Much? Or Too Oily! Hyperlipidemia May Lead to Stroke and Myocardial Infarction

It is inevitable to eat meat and fat when having dinner parties or when work is stressful, or you may also comfort yourself with some “healing foods”…

What is Fabry Disease? Will it Affect Lifespan? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Analysis

Ade has been suffering from constant illnesses since he was a child. Whenever he catches a cold or changes in cold weather, his fingers and toes

Be careful if you are tall and thin and have long arms! Understand the causes, symptoms and treatment of Marfan syndrome

Hyman, the star of the 1984 U.S. silver medal-winning team, had died of a ruptured aorta caused by Marfan syndrome, a congenital …

Irregular Heartbeat and Difficulty Breathing May be Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency! Learn About the Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency

Most people may have heard of mitral valve insufficiency, but they don’t know that the tricuspid valve in the heart may also be insufficient. Most patients…

If it Breaks, it Will Kill You! Aortic Aneurysm Has a Mortality Rate of 50%, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Instructions

The aorta is the largest blood vessel in the body. When the aorta swells abnormally, an “aortic aneurysm” will form. Aortic aneurysm is like …

High-density Cholesterol TooLow? Explain the Causes, Dangers And Standards of Low Cholesterol

When many people hear the word “cholesterol”, they may have a stereotype and think that “cholesterol” is bad for the human body. In fact, this is all

What Fruits Can You Eat to Lower Blood Pressure? 5 Must-Eat Fruits for Patients With High Blood Pressure, Which Can Also Help Fight Cancer

Hypertension can be said to be a silent killer. Because the initial symptoms are not obvious, it is easy to be ignored, which can lead to various diseases …

What is the Difference Between Acute and Blast Myocarditis? Understand the Classification, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Acute Myocarditis

Little girl Nora, 8 years old, has always been in good health. However, she started to have symptoms such as runny nose and cough a week ago…

Is a Fast Heartbeat a Palpitation? How to Deal With it? Need to See a Doctor? Reason For Too Fast?

Fast heartbeat is a very subjective feeling. Some people feel that their heartbeat is too fast, but after actual testing, it is normal; some people

Does Your Heart Suddenly Beat Very Hard? “Premature Ventricular Contraction” Can Lead to Arrhythmia. Adults Should be Careful

“Doctor, I often feel like there is a lump of air stuck in my chest, and it’s a little difficult to breathe. Sometimes my heart beats down, and sometimes…

Chest Tightness and Difficult Breathing May be Heart Tumors! If You Have Heart Symptoms, Get Checked Quickly to Avoid Tumors Causing Stroke and Shock.​

Heart cancer is quite rare because cancer cell lesions mostly occur on the surface of the body, such as the digestive tract, lungs and other…

Can You Save Yourself From a Myocardial Infarction By Cough? Golden 10 Seconds Rescue Time Don’t Believe Rumors Mistakenly

Once a myocardial infarction occurs, the timeliness of rescue is very important. There is a rumor that in the event of a myocardial infarction, one can …

Can Varicose Veins be Improved? These Tips Can be Soothing!

When varicose veins begin to appear in the legs due to long-term standing, sitting, or being overweight, the veins will protrude ….

Why Can’t My Blood Pressure Come Down Even Though I’m Taking Blood Pressure Medicine? Understanding Resistant Hypertension and Treatment Methods

An estimated 32% of adults living in private households in England had high blood pressure (hypertension) and 3 in 10 of those (29%)

What to Do if There is a Septal Defect in the Ventricle? There are 4 Types of Ventricular Septal Defects in Newborns

Ventricular septal defect, as the name suggests, means there is a hole between the left ventricle and the right ventricle. It is the most common congenital…

His Heart Ran Out of Power and He Fainted! Sick Sinus Syndrome is More Likely to Occur in the Elderly, and Its Treatment Relies on Heart Rate Regulators

Mr. Jones, a 72-year-old man, often fainted for no reason in recent days, and would wake up every few seconds, which made his family very worried…

What is Heart Age? At What Age Can a Heart Attack Occur? Detailed Explanation of Heart Age Calculation and Risk

We know that people have actual age and physical age. For example, the actual age is 40 years old, but the body is already 53 years old. The heart

Why is There No Heart Cancer? Analysis of 3 Major Reasons Why the Heart is Less Susceptible to Cancer

We often hear about lung cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer and other cancers, but rarely hear about heart cancer. Why is this? Doesn’t the heart get cancer…

How Do You Know if You Have a Myocardial Infarction? Myocardial Infarction Self-test 7 Symptoms At Once

Myocardial infarction is commonly known as a heart attack. If not treated immediately, it can range from arrhythmia and angina pectoris…

What is Hydropericardium? Why Does the Heart Accumulate Water? Explain the Symptoms and Treatment of Hydropericardium

Hydropericardium refers to the accumulation of water in the heart. If not treated immediately, it can cause pericardial tamponade…

What is Psychogenic Shock? Understand the Precursors, Causes and Symptoms of Psychogenic Shock in One Article

Shock is a specific clinical manifestation caused by a disease. It is mainly caused by circulatory dysfunction, which leads to insufficient tissue blood perfusion…

Parents Look Over: Does the Baby Need a Newborn Ultrasound at Their Own Expense?

Parents often ask: Is it necessary to have a newborn’s heart ultrasound done at their own expense? In fact, this check-up is more like the act of

Does a 30-year-old Dialysis Patient Have the Heart of an 80-Year-old? Beware of “Cardiorenal Syndrome”! Pay Attention to These 2 Points to Prevent Heart Failure

Over 30,000 people in the UK are currently on dialysis. Among the deaths, 50% are accompanied by heart failure; on the other hand, about half

Heart Failure Has a High Mortality Rate! Dialysis Patients Can Have Heart Check-up Items Once and Get Peace of Mind with Regular Check-ups

This article explains the importance of heart examinations for dialysis patients to prevent heart failure, as well as two common problems in cardiorenal care…

Pay Attention to the 3 Major Symptoms and Don’t Let Heart Failure Sneak Up on You!

Heart failure is an irreversible disease. As long as the heart function is damaged, it cannot restore its original function. Only …

3 Heart Health Myths! Childhood Obesity Affects Lifelong Health

The top global causes of death, in order of total number of lives lost, are associated with three broad topics: cardiovascular (ischaemic heart …

Benefit and Side Effects of L-Arginine

Strictly speaking, L-arginine is a semi-essential amino acid that plays an important role in many metabolic pathways, because it can serve as a precursor…

The Benefit and Side Effects of Green Tea and Catechin

Green tea is the most consumed type of tea today, also known as non-fermented tea, tea made by rolling, drying and other processes. Because it has not been…

3 Miraculous Effects of Red Pomegranate

Recently, there has been a pomegranate juice craze in the world, and different types of pomegranate products are selling in supermarkets or pharmacies…

Why do Japanese people have the healthiest heart?

Coronary heart disease is called “the first killer of human health”. According to the World Health Organization’s data, the mortality rate of coronary heart…

8 of the Best Foods that Unclog Arteries Naturally

Today, we’ll look at 8 of the best foods that naturally unclog arteries. These foods have been shown in scientific studies to reduce plaque buildup…

What is the Cause of Arteriosclerosis?

According to the World Health Organization, ischemic heart disease is the number one killer in the world, and stroke ranked second, and…

Top 6 Foods to Lower Your Bad Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a kind of human blood fat, which is a normal component in the human body. It can be obtained from food and synthesized by the human body.

The Best Fruit To Avoid Heart Disease

The strongest heart-protecting fruit Red pomegranate is known as the “King of Antioxidants” which can avoid heart disease. Pomegranate stands for multi-seed …

Wonderful 10 Foods to Lower Blood Pressure

Hypertension or high blood pressure is called the “invisible killer” because there are usually no symptoms in the initial stage of hypertension, and patients…

Book Recommodation For Cardiovascular Disease

Equipment For Cardiovascular Diseases

Supplement For Cardiovascular Health

  • Benefits of Now Foods Adam

    1. Supports the musculoskeletal system,
    2. Supports the immune system and
    3. Supplements our body with various micro and macroelements.
    4. Helps maintain dark vision
    5. Improves skin and mucous membrane health
    6. Improve calcium absorption,
    7. Help bones and teeth grow and develop
    8. Helps maintain normal physiology of nerves and muscles
    9. Antioxidant,
    10. Helps reduce free radical production
    11. Improve skin and blood cell health
    12. Activates coagulation proteins in the liver and blood,
    13. Contributing to the normal coagulation function of the blood
    14. Promote bone calcification
    15. Antioxidant
    16. Promote iron absorption
    17. Promotes collagen formation to aid in wound healing
    18. Contributes to normal red blood cell formation
    19. Helps in the transport and utilization of oxygen
    20. It is a component of insulin and various enzymes
    21. Helps maintain growth and reproductive function
    22. Promotes protein synthesis in skin tissue
    23. Contributes to the normal function of the heart, muscles and nerves
    24. Helps maintain normal carbohydrate metabolism
    25. Contributes to the normal development of bones and teeth
  • Benefit of Apple Pectin

    1. Regulate bowel movements
    2. Intestinal patency and detoxification
    3. Nurture the Probiotics bacteria in the intestine
    4. Support heart health
    5. Support vascular health
    6. Remove harmful toxins and heavy metals,
    7. Stabilize blood lipids, cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Benefit of Vitamin C & Bioflavonoids

    1. Enhance immune function, prevent colds It can help white blood cells fight bacteria and viruses and enhance immunity.
    2. Promote wound healing It is a nutrient required for collagen production. Collagen is an important component of connective tissue, which can maintain a tight arrangement between cells and promote skin wound healing.
    3. Whitening, anti-aging, skin health.
    4. Anti-cancer, antioxidant.
    5. Delay the occurrence of cataracts.
    6. Prevent cardiovascular disease.
  • Benefit of Vitamin A

    1. Helps maintain dark vision
    2. Improves skin and mucous membrane health

    Benefit of Vitamin C

    1. Antioxidant
    2. Promote iron absorption
    3. Promotes collagen formation to aid in wound healing

    Benefit of Vitamin D

    1. Improve calcium absorption,
    2. Help bones and teeth grow and develop
    3. Helps maintain normal physiology of nerves and muscles

    Benefit of Vitamin E

    1. Antioxidant,
    2. Helps reduce free radical production
    3. Improve skin and blood cell health

    Benefit of Vitamin K

    1. Activates coagulation proteins in the liver and blood,
    2. Contributing to the normal coagulation function of the blood
    3. Promote bone calcification
  • Benefit of DMG

    DNA replication and repair*

    1. Immune response as a metabolic enhancer.
    2. Supports cardiovascular health.
    3. Supports liver health & detox.
    4. Supports brain health and cognition.
    5. Supports respiratory function through improved circulation and oxygen utilization.
    6. Stress support.
    7. Free-radical support through glutathione recycling.
    8. Supports healthy aging.
  • Benefit of Now Foods Full Spectrum Mineral

    1. Prevent bone-related diseases.
    2. Prevent premenstrual syndrome.
    3. Prevent thigh cramps.
    4. Helps maintain the normal secretion of thyroid hormones.
    5. Helps maintain normal growth
    6. Regulates cellular oxidation.
    7. Boosts the immune system.
    8. Speeds up wound healing.
    9. Reduce the risk of age-related diseases.
    10. Helps treat acne.
    11. Reduce inflammation.
    12. Helps Improve Libido.
    13. Maintain skin health.
    14. Maintain thyroid function and prevent hypothyroidism
    15. Helps maintain bone health and prevent osteoporosis and fractures
    16. Promote metabolic efficiency, help fat loss and weight control
    17. Health care of the cardiovascular system.
  • Benefit of Nattokinase

    1.Nattokinase reduces thrombosis

    2. Nattokinase prevents atherosclerosis

    3. Nattokinase helps regulate blood pressure

    4. Nattokinase benefits hyperlipidemia

  • 1. Maintain Heart Health
    2. Treat Mental Illness
    3. Help Lose Weight
    4. Support eye health
    5. Relieve rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
    6. Maintain skin health
    7. Helps baby vision and hand-eye coordination
    8. Reduce liver fat
    9. Improve symptoms of depression
    10. Improve ADHD in children
    11.Improve memory in the elderly
    12. Improve asthma symptoms and allergy risk
    13. Improve bone health

  • Benefit of Vitamin E

    1. Reduce the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids
    2. Helps maintain cell membrane integrity
    3. Antioxidant
    4. Improve skin and blood cell health
    5. Helps reduce free radical production
    6. Improve your chances of getting pregnant
    7. Maintain youthful energy
    8. Maintain health
    9. Stay away from sensitive conditions
    10. Promote circulation in the body
    11. Regulate physiology
    12. Good for female fertility
  • Benefit of Probiotic

    1. Beneficial for COVID-19
    2. Good for diabetes and blood sugar control
    3. Beneficial blood lipid regulation
    4. Beneficial for postoperative ileus
    5. Reduce gastroesophageal reflux in infants
    6. Beneficial for early-onset childhood caries
    7. Beneficial for antibiotic-associated diarrhea
    8. Beneficial immune function
    9. Good for Pediatric Colic
    10. Beneficial for inflammatory bowel disease
    11. Beneficial for celiac disease
    12. Aid in weight loss
    13. Beneficial for recurrent aphthous stomatitis
    14. Beneficial sleep quality
    15. Prevention of diarrhea caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy
    16. Beneficial for Alzheimer’s
    17. Beneficial for Vaginal Infections
    18. Beneficial psychological stress
    19. Beneficial for acute upper respiratory infection
    20. Good for allergies
    21. Beneficial for chronic periodontitis
    22. Beneficial for blood pressure regulation
    23. Reduce the incidence of allergies and atopic constitution in children
    24. Beneficial for postoperative wound infection
    25. Beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome
    26. Improve high cholesterol
    27. Good for colorectal cancer
    1. Helps maintain the normal secretion of thyroid hormones.
    2. Helps maintain normal growth, development, neuromuscular function.
    3. Regulates cellular oxidation.
    4. Improves cognitive memory function (under stress)
    5. Benefits phenylketonuria
    6. Good for depression
    7. Benefits schizophrenia
    8. Improves narcolepsy/narcolepsy
    9. Can improve human immune function.
    10. Can prevent cancer and fight cancer.
    11. Can protect the heart muscle.
    12. Protects the liver.
    13. Is an antioxidant.
    14. Can be involved in the treatment of diabetes.
    15. Protects and repairs cells.
    16. Improve vision and prevent eye diseases