The so-called insomnia refers to the subjective feeling that the individual does not have enough sleep or deep sleep; objectively refers to the fact that the sleep disorder has been at least one month long and has affected the daytime life function. Although one or two days of insomnia will not have a great impact on life, if you suffer from insomnia for a long time, you will experience distraction, fatigue, poor memory, weakness, etc., and even affect your daily life and interpersonal relationships. Symptoms of insomnia include finding it hard to fall asleep, waking up several times during the night and feeling tired during the day.You can help improve insomnia by making changes to your sleep habits, such as having a bedtime routine and not eating or drinking shortly before bed. Common causes of insomnia include stress, anxiety, too much noise at night, your bedroom being too hot or cold and drinks containing caffeine.

Insomnia is Not Unique to You Many People Have It

As the public pays more and more attention to sleep quality and insomnia, many companies aim at sleep business opportunities and develop technological devices to help…

Say Goodbye to Sleeping Pills. Music Helps You Sleep Better

Sleep can help people restore their physical strength, so good sleep quality is very important for maintaining physical and mental health and quality of life.

Yoga Can Effectively Improve Insomnia and Emotions

Almost everyone has experienced the pain of insomnia, such as being unable to fall asleep or sleeping well, or sleeping restlessly, etc. According to the…

Study Confirms Listening to Music Can Improve Insomnia

Many people listen to music before going to bed, or fall asleep to music, thinking that music can help insomnia. But some people think that music can excite…

Insomnia is Stressful! Try Yoga to Sleep Better

Yoga is becoming more popular all over the world. In addition to helping physical health, it stabilize the spirit. Scientists believe it can improve insomnia

Cannot Sleep Again! Find Out the Cause of Insomnia

What is causing insomnia? Sometimes it is difficult to fall asleep and easy to wake up, which will lead to lack of sleep or poor sleep quality, making you…