Eyes are the most delicate and complex sensory organs in the human body. To maintain normal daily activities, we need to rely on good eyesight, so keeping the eyes in good condition is the first priority for maintaining human health. In this category you can find all common problems and ways to prevent vision loss.

6 Major Symptoms and Causes of Cataracts!

Cataract refers to the clouding of the crystalline lens in the eye, which mainly causes blurred vision and photophobia. What is the cause of cataract…

What is Glaucoma? How to Cure

Glaucoma is caused by abnormal intraocular pressure , which causes the optic nerve to atrophy and the visual field to gradually shrink.

What to Do If You Have a Stroke in the Eye?

37-year-old Candy swiped her mobile phone before going to bed. Suddenly, her right eye went black and she couldn’t see anything.