The World Health Organization pointed out that “obesity is a chronic disease” and called for attention to the health hazards of obesity. Compared with healthy weight people, obese people have more than three times the risk of developing diabetes, metabolic syndrome and dyslipidemia, and double the risk of developing high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, knee arthritis and gout. Studies have confirmed that when obese people lose more than 5% of their body weight (such as 90 kg for an adult, a reduction of 5 kg) can bring many benefits to health, and obesity-related diseases such as hypertension and diabetes will be improved. Among the top ten causes of death in the world, cancer, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, hypertensive disease, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephropathy, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis are related to obesity.

You Do Not Believe Red Kidney Beans Can Help Weight Loss

Red kidney beans will be starchy if you cook for a long time, but it can help your weight loss program. Red kidney beans have a very unique taste and are…

The Wonderful Weight Loss Effect of Cucumber

Whenever the summer is hot, eat some cold cucumbers or Italian zucchini, which can help weight loss, relieve heat and replenish water, and can also be used…

The Weight Loss Effect of Eggs is Beyond Your Imagination

Can Eating Eggs Help You Weight Loss? That’s right! The amount of carbohydrate in an egg is only 0.1g! It is a food with almost no carbs. The main reason…

The Magical Avocado Can Lose Weight and Skin Care

Avocado is an important tropical fruit native to Central America and Mexico. Evidence that avocados began to be eaten by humans about 7,000 years ago, and…

10 types of super slimming foods, the more you eat, the thinner you will be!

If you want to lose weight without bouncing back, both diet and exercise are indispensable! The following is a list of 10 types of super slimming foods that…

Does Body Fat and Obesity Mean Unhealthy?

This article is to discuss body fat and obesity. The World Health Organization pointed out that “obesity is a chronic disease” and called for attention to…