Top 7 Foods That Stabilize Blood Sugar

The Top 7 Foods That Stabilize Blood Sugar


Modern people eat too delicately and take in too much nutrition and they do not know why we need to stabilize blood sugar . If this continues, diabetes may knock your door. But we can detect diabetes and stabilize blood sugar in advance. 7 foods that can help control blood sugar, help you easily prevent or control diabetes.


  1. OKRA
    Okra is rich in water-soluble pectin and mucus protein, which can slow down the body’s absorption rate of sugar, reduce the body’s demand for insulin, and inhibit cholesterol absorption. In addition, the carotenoids contained in okra can maintain the normal secretion and function of body insulin, so it can stabilize the blood sugar level.
    Onions have many medicinal functions. Onions contain a similar hypoglycemic substance-tolbutamide, which has a good effect on lowering blood sugar. Onion also contains a substance that can lower cholesterol. It is also the only plant known to contain prostasin. It also has a certain fibrinolytic effect. These substances are strong vasodilators that can increase blood pressure. decline. Onions can increase blood insulin levels, lower blood sugar, and inhibit the increase in cholesterol caused by high-fat diets. It is suitable for patients with diabetes and arteriosclerosis. There is an anti-diabetic compound in onions, which can stimulate the synthesis and release of insulin.
    Experts say celery is a high-fiber food. A high-fiber diet can improve cell sugar metabolism, increase insulin sensitivity, lower blood sugar, and effectively reduce insulin dependence in diabetic patients.
    Black fungus contains fungus polysaccharides, vitamins, protein, carotene, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron and other minerals. Among them, fungus polysaccharides have a hypoglycemic effect. Experiments show that fungus polysaccharides can reduce blood sugar in diabetic mice. Black fungus can be used for stir-fry or stew, or as an ingredient.
    Although bitter melon has a bitter taste, it is rich in many nutrients, especially vitamin C. Pharmacological studies have found that the bitter melon saponins (also known as “plant insulin”) contained in bitter melon are conducive to lowering blood sugar. Not only is it similar to insulin, it can also stimulate the release of insulin. Tests have proved that the efficiency of consuming momordica saponins on type 2 diabetes can reach 78.3%.
  6. YAM
    Modern medical research has found that the slimy ingredients in yam are formed by mucin, and mucin can wrap other foods in the intestines, so that sugar is slowly absorbed, inhibiting the sharp rise of blood sugar after meals, and avoiding insulin simultaneously. Excess secretion makes blood sugar well regulated. Yam also contains effective ingredients, such as magnesium and zinc, which are essential for insulin secretion, as well as vitamin B1 and vitamin B2, which can promote the metabolism of glucose in the blood.
  7. KELP
    Kelp contains a lot of iodine, which can promote the secretion of insulin and adrenal cortex hormones, and regulate the metabolism and utilization of glucose in the liver and muscle tissues, thereby reducing blood sugar