Stress Management

What to Do if You are Stressed? Understand Stress and Anxiety and Teach You 7 Ways to Relax and Relieve Stress

“I have to go on stage to report tomorrow. It’s so stressful!”

“I made a mistake today. I don’t know what my boss will do tomorrow. I’m so anxious!”

“My girlfriend hinted that she wants to get married. Should I pretend to be stupid or tell her directly that I’m not ready yet…”

We are all familiar with all kinds of stress and anxiety in life. Although moderate stress has its positive meaning, when the stress is so great that it causes negative effects such as insomnia or loss of concentration, you must pay more attention. Excessive stress can often lead to anxiety, and the two are inseparable. The following will provide an in-depth understanding of what stress and anxiety are, and provide seven simple ways to relieve stress to help everyone relieve stress and get rid of anxiety!

What is stress?

According to the Cleveland Clinic, stress refers to the physical, mental, or emotional response of the body in order to adjust to changes in the environment. Stress is a part of life. Work pressure from your boss, social pressure from peers, and even relatively positive changes such as promotion and buying a house can also produce some form of pressure.

What is anxiety?

The American Psychological Association defines anxiety as an emotion that includes nervous or worrying thoughts and physiological changes such as an increase in blood pressure. However, anxiety is actually a normal and important emotion. When we suspect that there is danger, anxiety can help us cope with emergencies. However, if a person feels anxious too often, and in severe cases, it may develop into an anxiety disorder, treatment is required.

Physical symptoms of stress and anxiety

Stress or anxiety may cause physical or psychological symptoms, which vary from person to person. The following are common physical symptoms:

  1. Headache
  2. Dizziness
  3. Fatigue
  4. Diarrhea
  5. Frequent urination
  6. Night sweats
  7. Stomachache
  8. Change in appetite
  9. Rapid heartbeat
  10. Shortness of breath
  11. Sleep disorder
  12. Muscle tightness

Causes of stress or anxiety

Here are a few sources of stress that cause anxiety:

  1. Move place
  2. Marry
  3. Have a baby
  4. Relatives and friends injured
  5. Death of relatives or friends
  6. Sick or injured
  7. Change schools or jobs

What to do if you are stressed? 7 practical tricks to relieve stress and you will feel it immediately

As mentioned above, stress and anxiety are part of life. Sometimes when you feel stressed, it is a good time to review your mental health. When you feel stressed, it is recommended to first find the source of the stress and deal with it. Take your mind off it and try not to focus on the things that are causing you stress, as this will only make the stress worse. However, it’s not easy to take your mind off the stressful moment, so here are seven ways to relieve stress to help you.

  1. Deep breathing:
    This is the simplest and most effective way. When you are calm, practice deep breathing. When you inhale, count silently for four seconds, hold it for four seconds, exhale for four seconds, and repeat the practice. This way, you can calm down easily when you feel stressed. Use deep breathing naturally to relieve stress.
  2. Get moving:
    Exercise can relieve stress, promote the secretion of neurotransmitters such as endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, making people feel happy.
  3. Keep a diary:
    Writing down the big and small things of the day can help people understand that nine out of ten things in life are unsatisfactory. Recording these happy or unpleasant things can also help relieve stress.
  4. Listen to music:
    Listening to softer, relaxing music can slow down your stress response. Conversely, fast-paced music can help your athletic performance.
  5. Develop your creativity:
    Coloring books, which have become very popular in recent years, are also regarded as tools for relieving stress. In fact, whether it is painting, coloring or writing poetry, cultivating various interests, creating or expressing creativity can effectively help relax the body and mind.
  6. Practice mindfulness:
    Focus on whatever is happening around you at the moment, feel every bite of food you eat, the sounds you hear, the sights you see, and thoroughly implement the concept of living in the present. The stress-reducing effect of mindfulness has been confirmed by many studies
  7. Chat with relatives and friends:
    When you are under too much pressure, you may wish to share your concerns with family and friends. If it is not convenient, joining some groups, community activities or mutual aid groups can also be quite helpful.
Sign of stress and anxiety