Stress Management

What Should I Do if I Receive a Negative Review? 7 Tips to Help You Deal With it Easily

People’s first instinct for criticism is often to fight back, and human nature is naturally afraid of criticism. Whether it is negative criticism or constructive criticism, it will make us feel like we are being criticized. While you may not be able to control what others think or say about you, you can choose how you view and respond to those criticisms.

Negative comments, whether they come from school, the workplace or the Internet, are very hurtful, and the content may cover various aspects such as academic qualifications, occupation, work performance, personality, personality and appearance, etc., which can seriously affect an individual’s emotional and mental health, and may damage them. self-esteem.

People are usually afraid of negative reviews and tend to fight back immediately. Let us teach you how to deal with negative reviews, adjust your emotions, respond to negative reviews in a rational and correct way, and absorb nutrients for your own growth.

1.Stop trying to please everyone

If you’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the criticism and are still indifferent to it, then perhaps it’s best for you to ignore it. It’s impossible to please everyone or have everyone love you. If you only think about how to please others, you will never achieve what you want. Sometimes, you just have to go toward those right instincts. A thousand years ago, our ancestors understood that “cynical people dislike everything”, so why bother to cling to these people in front of them?

2.Reply to critics gracefully

A rule of thumb suggests “ignoring damaging criticism.” Hurtful emails? No one benefits from it, right? Then why not just delete it and stop yourself from getting caught up in those negative events. You can do the same with face-to-face criticism by thanking them for their advice and then handling it gracefully. As for constructive criticism, respond to it respectfully and with respect when you are ready. Just like with destructive criticism, start by thanking the person. The only difference is that this time you have to tell the person what you agree with and what you don’t agree with, and then explain your reasons. Try to put this awkward situation into perspective. The situation is transformed into an opportunity full of learning value and allowing both parties to discuss in depth.

3.Keep your confidence

Criticism can really leave scars on your self-esteem, even if from the outside you’re handling it well. It is important to protect your self-esteem and confidence from criticism. Unfair criticism can leave deep scars, and criticism that is clearly wrong is deeply unfair, especially when the critic has no understanding of your actual situation. Unfair criticism reflects the ignorance of the critic, not the problem on your part. There is no use in clinging to these unfair situations, so let it go! Remind yourself that the critic wouldn’t say those things if they knew you well, and you may have made the same mistake in your life, so let it go and forgive the person. But more importantly, don’t let those unfair criticisms affect you. Those are not your responsibility.

4.Keep Calm

Distance yourself from the incident and resist the desire to defend yourself until you can suppress your emotions and organize your thoughts before responding. Because by calming down, you can avoid saying things you will regret.

If the negative review comes from an email or social media message, please wait at least 1 hour before replying. If someone criticizes you in person, politely thank them for their advice and tell them that you need some time to think before you respond.

5.Restate negative review

You don’t need to respond immediately and perfectly. In addition to expressing gratitude to the other person, you must first make sure that you have not misunderstood the other person’s meaning. Briefly reiterate the negative comments to the critic, maintain eye contact, and speak in a kind tone.

If those negative reviews are ridiculous, the critic may realize that they were wrong and retract the negative review, but please do not exaggerate the other person’s words. For example, when the other person says: “Your sales strategy is simply ineffective,” please do not further exaggerate the question back to him. Saying, “Are you saying my sales strategy will destroy the company?” makes you appear defensive and irrational.

People who give negative comments often want to anger you and make you lose your mind. Some people want to see you hurt and discouraged, and then accept those negative comments and dwarf themselves. Reiterating the negative comments to the other person can help you focus on the situation. Be realistic instead of focusing on emotions.

6.Think about the source and value of negative reviews

Negative criticism can be divided into two types: constructive criticism and destructive criticism. Constructive criticism is positive and helpful because it allows you to grow, while destructive criticism, as the name suggests, is designed to suppress you.

In reality, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish which type of negative criticism belongs to. Constructive criticism sometimes sounds offensive to the ear, while destructive criticism is hidden in laughter. What you have to do is ignore the tone of the critic and carefully evaluate whether there is anything to be learned from the negative review, or is it just a bunch of bitter and hurtful words?

The source of the negative comments is also important. Please observe who is criticizing you. Is it just an internet troll, or is it a respected teacher or scholar? Is he a noteworthy opinion leader?

7.Be open to mistakes

Accepting mistakes is a challenge for everyone. Constructive criticism has its purpose, and you can learn from it to make yourself better. It’s good to have confidence in your abilities, but it’s also important to admit your shortcomings. No matter how good you are at something, there are always people out there who can improve. If you don’t understand this, you will miss the opportunity to learn and improve yourself, and you will lose the respect of others.