Happy Fruits

Anti-depression Happy Fruits

Six happy fruits contain special amino acids that help stimulate the “happy hormone” serotonin, which can be used to overcome mental depression, and one fruit containing flavonoids can also reduce the risk of depression.

The most common problem in modern society is mental depression. Its consequences can be devastating, and depression is a major reason why people continue to seek help from psychologists, psychoanalysts, and psychotherapists.

Studies have found that in addition to resisting depression, ripe bananas are also helpful for digestion and can reduce blood cholesterol levels; , it also has a diuretic effect, which is good for the stomach; pineapple also has the effect of overcoming depression, and it can also promote digestion.


1. Cherimoya – A refreshing anti-depression fruit

Cherimoya is an excellent source of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). In fact, 1 cup (160 grams) of the fruit contains 24% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI). Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the creation of neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine, which help regulate your mood. Inadequate levels of this vitamin may contribute to mood disorders. In fact, low blood levels of vitamin B6 are linked to depression, especially in older adults. One study in older adults found that vitamin B6 deficiency doubled one’s chances of depression. By boosting levels of this important vitamin, eating foods like cherimoya may help reduce your risk of depression related to vitamin B6 deficiency. Cherimoya is rich in magnesium, which can help regulate mood, while vitamin B6 can promote the body to produce serotonin and dopamine.

There are two kinds of Cherimoya, one is called Ome Cherimoya, and the other is Pineapple Cherimoya. Pineapple Cherimoya is fragrant, but Ome Cherimoya, which is easy to eat and has a sweet taste, is more popular. According to a registered dietitian, the nutrients contained in some nutritionists suggest elderly people with poor teeth and high blood pressure can eat Cherimoya to replenish energy.

Cherimoya also contains various antioxidants, and is high in potassium, which can stabilize blood pressure together with magnesium and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Cherimoya is high in calories and sugar, and every 100 grams of fruit pulp is equivalent to more than half a bowl of carbohydrates. Diabetics or those who want to control their weight should pay attention.


Happy Fruits
Custard apple (sugar apple, annona, cherimoya fruit) and cut in half sliced isolated on white background.


2.Banana – The fruit of happiness

Known as the “fruit of happiness”, it is one of the best fruits for anti-depression, especially the upgraded banana, which is called “be happy”. The characteristics of bringing people happiness, a creative cultural fruit developed by its extension, can help people create more happiness in all aspects of life.

Banana can help the human brain produce another neurotransmitter. It is a chemical “messenger” that can send nerve signals to the nerve endings of the brain, making people feel peaceful, happy, and even relieve pain. Its rich magnesium relieves tension. Contains alkaloids that boost spirits and boost confidence. Bananas are also a super source of tryptamine and vitamin B6, which help regulate mood.

Banana is a nutritious and happy food, but its potassium content is high. In addition to the fact that kidney disease patients are not advised to eat too much, it is recommended to eat half a banana. Based on the sugar content per 100 grams of fruit, bananas are 2 to 3 times that of ordinary fruits. Eating half a banana may also reduce sugar intake and reduce the burden on the body. The difference between diabetic patients and ordinary people is that fruits need to be eaten separately to avoid too much sugar intake at once, which will cause blood sugar to soar.


Happy Fruits


3.Grapefruit – Happy fruits from heaven

Vitamin C is the raw material of adrenaline and is an antioxidant. When people are stressed, they will secrete adrenaline, which means they will consume vitamin C. Therefore, you should eat more fruits high in vitamin C, such as grapefruit, oranges and other citrus fruits. Fruit, which can relieve tension and is a good food to fight stress.

Grapefruit originated in the 18th century and spread all over the world in the 20th century. It is called “the fruit from heaven”. It is a hybrid of orange and grapefruit, with the “deepness” of grapefruit and the “liveliness” of orange. It is the youngest member of citrus essential oils.

Tired and tense emotions weigh you down? When the body accumulates too much negative energy and the pressure piles up, you might as well try grapefruit! Containing up to 96% limonene, it gives you quick relief from stress and helps calm, relax and cleanse the body. Grapefruit essential oil can be used as follow:


    1. Diffuse: Put 3∼4 drops of grapefruit essential oil into the diffuser to diffuse, which can help improve concentration when reading.


    1. Apply and massage: Apply directly or dilute with fractionated coconut oil, suitable for soothing muscle discomfort and helping metabolize excess water in the lower body.


    1. Sniffing: Drop it on the palm of your hand, rub it to make it warm and then inhale, which can stimulate the body and mind and activate creativity.


Happy Fruits


4.Kiwi – Low GI happy fruits

In addition to being rich in vitamin C, fruits can also make you feel good and increase vitality! Foreign studies have confirmed that eating Kiwi fruit can increase vitality and improve depression. During the recent period of epidemic prevention, many people reduce social interaction and stay bored at home, which greatly affects their mood. Doctors also recommend eating more fruits with high nutrient density, such as vitamin C and water-soluble fiber, to clear away the gloomy mind.

Studies abroad have pointed out that eating Kiwi fruit can improve the vitality of the human body (including: mood, fatigue, health, etc.), and also have a positive impact on the body and mind.

It is worth mentioning that Kiwi fruit is a low FODMAP (low abdominal sensitivity) food, which has been proven to improve irritable bowel syndrome. At the same time, it is a low GI fruit, which can help stabilize blood sugar and improve mood, while the average person eats 1 Up to 1.5 pieces, which can meet the daily vitamin C intake. People with physical allergies or children must clean the peel when eating Kiwi fruit.

When feeling depressed and down, many people will choose to eat to restore their good mood. Diet can indeed change people’s mood. A University of Otago study found that two Kiwis a day can improve mood and increase energy. According to the “New Zealand Herald” report, researchers divided 54 boys who ate less fruit into two groups. One group ate two Kiwis a day, while the other only ate half a Kiwi. The results of the study showed that male students who ate two Kiwis a day felt significantly less fatigue and depression symptoms, and became more energetic.


Happy Fruits


5.Pineapple – Fruit of tranquility

Studies have pointed out that compared with bananas and oranges, pineapple can produce more “melatonin” in the body, and the effect of melatonin can regulate the biological clock, thereby achieving the effect of “good sleep and tranquility”. So, sleep well? Let’s eat a bowl of pineapple!

Pineapple has been shown to contain serotonin for decades. The report pointed out that ripe tomatoes can increase serotonin, but pineapple is not the case. When it is raw and fresh, it is better for serotonin levels.


Happy Fruits


6. Avocado – Super happy fruit

Everyone recognizes avocado as a “super food.” It contains β-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, α-carotene and vitamin E. Eating more can reduce the chance of cancer, help eyesight, and maintain eye health. In addition, rich in magnesium, calcium, vitamin B6 and tryptophan can convert serotonin into melatonin to help you sleep better!


Happy Fruits




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  • Benefit of Phosphatidyl Serine

    1. Improve Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    2. Help Alzheimer’s disease
    3. Reduce Anxiety
    4. Reduce Depression
    5. Prevent Multiple sclerosis
    6. Reduce Stress

  • 1. Improve immune system function.
    2. Maintain the function of joint movement.
    3. Balance normal blood sugar levels.
    4. Rich in antioxidants to absorb harmful free radicals.
    5. Helps maintain normal levels of cholesterol.
    6. Maintain healthy lung function
    7. Improve mental clarity
    8. Reduce stress and overcome depression
    9. Improve the sexual function and prevent erectile dysfunction.

  • L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid that helps the body make proteins and certain brain-signaling chemicals. Your body changes L-tryptophan into a brain chemical called serotonin. Serotonin helps control your mood and sleep.

  • Magnesium malate is a common dietary supplement that combines magnesium and malic acid. It can improve mood, blood sugar, exercise performance and chronic pain.

  • Men’s Active Sports is specifically tailored to support the nutritional needs of extremely active men.  Contain Maca and Ginseng, which may boost energy, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

  • Benefit of Now Foods Omega-3, Molecularly Distilled 30 Softgels

    1. Fight Depression and Anxiety.
    2. Improve Eye Health
    3. Promote Brain Health During Pregnancy and Early Life.
    4. Improve Risk Factors for Heart Disease.
    5. Reduce Symptoms of ADHD in Children.
    6. Reduce Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome.
    7. Fight Inflammation.
    8. Fight Autoimmune Diseases.
    9. Improve Mental Disorders.
    10. Fight Age-Related Mental Decline and Alzheimer’s Disease.
    11. May Help Prevent Cancer.
    12. Reduce Asthma in Children.
    13. Reduce Fat in Your Liver.
    14. Improve Bone and Joint Health.
    15. Alleviate Menstrual Pain.
    16. May Improve Sleep.
    17. Good For Your Skin
  • 1. Reduce fracture and fall risk
    2. good for migraine
    3. Beneficial for NAFLD
    4. Beneficial for sarcopenia
    5. Beneficial for chronic urticaria
    6. Benign paroxysmal postural vertigo
    7. Beneficial for sleep disorders
    8. Beneficial for knee osteoarthritis
    9. Beneficial for pneumonia prevention
    10. Beneficial for new coronavirus infection
    11. Reduce the incidence of preeclampsia
    12. beneficial for autism
    13. Beneficial for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    14. Beneficial Cancer Events
    15. good for TB
    16. Beneficial Helicobacter pylori infection
    17. good for gestational diabetes
    18. Beneficial for blood lipid regulation
    19. Boost male hormones (androgens)
    20. Reduced low birth weight and small gestational age births
    21. Aids in weight loss (weight loss)
    22. prevent cardiovascular disease
    23. good for multiple sclerosis
    24. Beneficial for asthma improvement
    25. Beneficial for major depression
    26. Beneficial for Type 2 Diabetes
    27. Reduce premature birth rates
    28. Beneficial for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    29. Beneficial for older people’s athletic ability (walking speed)?
    30. Improve lower back pain?
    31. Beneficial for atopic dermatitis
    32. good blood pressure regulation
    33. Beneficial for female pattern hair loss
    34. Reduce the chance of cognitive impairment
    35. Reducing Cold Events: Acute Respiratory Infections
    36. Improve breast cancer prognosis and mortality
    37. Beneficial Fatigue Phenomenon
    38. Beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome
    39. Reduce the incidence of schizophrenia
    40. Mortality of hospitalized patients
    41. Reduces the risk of stridor and asthma in offspring

  • Benefit of Acetyl L-Carnitine

    1. Rejuvenate cell mitochondria and maintain their normal energy production, thus maintaining health
    2.  Is a premium fat burning nutrient with stress management and nervous system protection benefits
    3. Restore the metabolism of fat and blood sugar to normal, promote better metabolism and brain function
    4. It has a high protective effect on the circulatory system of hyperglycemia
    5. Restore brain energy, prevent brain damage and decline, reduce free radicals and fat formation
    6. Has higher mental energy levels and better concentration
    7. Can improve the clarity of thinking, more alertness and greater awareness of perception
    8. It has the effect of reducing neutral fat and bad cholesterol, and can also inhibit the accumulation of liver and myocardial fat
    9. Helps increase protein muscle mass while reducing “leptin resistance”
    10.  It is especially good at protecting nerve cells and has a very significant effect on nerve regeneration
    11. Increases production of serotonin and dopamine, making it a true natural antidepressant
    12. Restorative and energizing to the liver, helps metabolize calories in a more youthful manner
    13. It easily crosses the blood-brain barrier to support cognitive function, improve memory and learning ability
    14. It can help the brain memory of the elderly and prevent the decline of memory in the elderly
    15. Helps to slow down degeneration or even restore brain function after stroke traumatic brain injury
    16. Helps improve children with autism
    17. It has a direct anti-aging effect on mitochondria and reverses memory loss
    18. It is a fat-soluble anti-gasification agent and is highly active in nerves; provides excellent protection from stress and excitotoxic damage
  • 1. Treat stress-induced insomnia
    2. Helps Normalize Mood Swings Stress
    3. May help improve concentration
    4. Can help users lose weight
    5. Dealing with stress-related eating behaviors and
    6. Can promote relaxation without causing drowsiness
    7. Can help a person reduce irritability and nervousness

    1. Cortisol blockers are drugs and supplements that are designed to lower your cortisol level.
    2. They have medical use in treating hormonal disorders such as Cushing’s syndrome.
    3. Cortisol blocker supplements are also marketed as a training aid, weight loss, and stress relief remedy
    1. Helps maintain the normal secretion of thyroid hormones.
    2. Helps maintain normal growth, development, neuromuscular function.
    3. Regulates cellular oxidation.
    4. Improves cognitive memory function (under stress)
    5. Benefits phenylketonuria
    6. Good for depression
    7. Benefits schizophrenia
    8. Improves narcolepsy/narcolepsy
    9. Can improve human immune function.
    10. Can prevent cancer and fight cancer.
    11. Can protect the heart muscle.
    12. Protects the liver.
    13. Is an antioxidant.
    14. Can be involved in the treatment of diabetes.
    15. Protects and repairs cells.
    16. Improve vision and prevent eye diseases

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  • Benefit of Beef Gelatin

    1. Collagen and gelatin contribute to the infrastructure of connective tissue throughout. Regular consumption of these proteins helps repair and care for the intestines, skin, hair, tendons, cartilage, bones and joints.
    2. Supports joint health, comfort and mobility.
    3. Supports gut health and digestion due to the role of amino acids in promoting the integrity of the gut lining
    4. Boost muscle mass
    5. Reduce hunger
    6. Supports bone health
    7. Assist with blood sugar control
    8. Supports cognitive functions, including memory and learning
    9. Helps Athletic Performance and Recovery
    10. Helps maintain healthy, youthful skin
    11. Promotes healthy hair and strong nails
    12. Promote quality sleep
  • L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid that helps the body make proteins and certain brain-signaling chemicals. Your body changes L-tryptophan into a brain chemical called serotonin. Serotonin helps control your mood and sleep.

  • Benefit of Now Foods Omega-3, Molecularly Distilled 30 Softgels

    1. Fight Depression and Anxiety.
    2. Improve Eye Health
    3. Promote Brain Health During Pregnancy and Early Life.
    4. Improve Risk Factors for Heart Disease.
    5. Reduce Symptoms of ADHD in Children.
    6. Reduce Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome.
    7. Fight Inflammation.
    8. Fight Autoimmune Diseases.
    9. Improve Mental Disorders.
    10. Fight Age-Related Mental Decline and Alzheimer’s Disease.
    11. May Help Prevent Cancer.
    12. Reduce Asthma in Children.
    13. Reduce Fat in Your Liver.
    14. Improve Bone and Joint Health.
    15. Alleviate Menstrual Pain.
    16. May Improve Sleep.
    17. Good For Your Skin
  • Benefit of Vitamin D-3

    1. Reduce fracture and fall risk
    2. Good for migraine
    3. Beneficial for NAFLD
    4. Beneficial for sarcopenia
    5. Beneficial for chronic urticaria
    6. Benign paroxysmal postural vertigo
    7. Beneficial for sleep disorders
    8. Beneficial for knee osteoarthritis
    9. Beneficial for pneumonia prevention
    10. Beneficial for new coronavirus infection
    11. Reduce the incidence of preeclampsia
    12. beneficial for autism
    13. Beneficial for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    14. Beneficial Cancer Events
    15. good for TB
    16. Beneficial Helicobacter pylori infection
    17. good for gestational diabetes
    18. Beneficial for blood lipid regulation
    19. Boost male hormones (androgens)
    20. Reduced low birth weight and small gestational age births
    21. Aids in weight loss (weight loss)
    22. prevent cardiovascular disease
    23. good for multiple sclerosis
    24. Beneficial for asthma improvement
    25. Beneficial for major depression
    26. Beneficial for Type 2 Diabetes
    27. Reduce premature birth rates
    28. Beneficial for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    29. Beneficial for older people’s athletic ability (walking speed)?
    30. Improve lower back pain?
    31. Beneficial for atopic dermatitis
    32. good blood pressure regulation
    33. Beneficial for female pattern hair loss
    34. Reduce the chance of cognitive impairment
    35. Reducing Cold Events: Acute Respiratory Infections
    36. Improve breast cancer prognosis and mortality
    37. Beneficial Fatigue Phenomenon
    38. Beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome
    39. Reduce the incidence of schizophrenia
    40. Mortality of hospitalized patients
    41. Reduces the risk of stridor and asthma in offspring

    1. Needed to Produce a Powerful Antioxidant.
    2. A Component of Creatine.
    3. The Main Amino Acid in Collagen.
    4. May Improve Sleep Quality.
    5. May Protect Your Liver From Alcohol-Induced Damage.
    6. May Protect Your Heart.
    7. May Aid People With Type 2 Diabetes.
    8. May Protect Against Muscle Loss.
  • Benefit of Zinc Glycinate

    1. Skin Health
    2. Wound Healing
    3. Benefits For Immune System Health
    4. Benefits For Digestive System
    5. Benefits For Fertility
    6. Treating Insomnia
    7. Age-Related Muscle Deterioration
    8. Supports Growth In Infants.
  • Benefit of Probiotic

    1. Beneficial for COVID-19
    2. Good for diabetes and blood sugar control
    3. Beneficial blood lipid regulation
    4. Beneficial for postoperative ileus
    5. Reduce gastroesophageal reflux in infants
    6. Beneficial for early-onset childhood caries
    7. Beneficial for antibiotic-associated diarrhea
    8. Beneficial immune function
    9. Good for Pediatric Colic
    10. Beneficial for inflammatory bowel disease
    11. Beneficial for celiac disease
    12. Aid in weight loss
    13. Beneficial for recurrent aphthous stomatitis
    14. Beneficial sleep quality
    15. Prevention of diarrhea caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy
    16. Beneficial for Alzheimer’s
    17. Beneficial for Vaginal Infections
    18. Beneficial psychological stress
    19. Beneficial for acute upper respiratory infection
    20. Good for allergies
    21. Beneficial for chronic periodontitis
    22. Beneficial for blood pressure regulation
    23. Reduce the incidence of allergies and atopic constitution in children
    24. Beneficial for postoperative wound infection
    25. Beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome
    26. Improve high cholesterol
    27. Good for colorectal cancer

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  • 1. Improve immune system function.
    2. Maintain the function of joint movement.
    3. Balance normal blood sugar levels.
    4. Rich in antioxidants to absorb harmful free radicals.
    5. Helps maintain normal levels of cholesterol.
    6. Maintain healthy lung function
    7. Improve mental clarity
    8. Reduce stress and overcome depression
    9. Improve the sexual function and prevent erectile dysfunction.

  • 1. Improve intelligence, promote growth, and enhance physical fitness.

    2. Increase appetite and improve malnutrition.

    3. Improve insomnia and memory.

    4. Help produce antibodies, hormones and enzymes, improve immunity and increase hemoglobin.

    5. Help absorb calcium, treat and prevent osteoporosis

    6. Reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

  • Men’s Active Sports is specifically tailored to support the nutritional needs of extremely active men.  Contain Maca and Ginseng, which may boost energy, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

  • Benefit of Acetyl L-Carnitine

    1. Rejuvenate cell mitochondria and maintain their normal energy production, thus maintaining health
    2.  Is a premium fat burning nutrient with stress management and nervous system protection benefits
    3. Restore the metabolism of fat and blood sugar to normal, promote better metabolism and brain function
    4. It has a high protective effect on the circulatory system of hyperglycemia
    5. Restore brain energy, prevent brain damage and decline, reduce free radicals and fat formation
    6. Has higher mental energy levels and better concentration
    7. Can improve the clarity of thinking, more alertness and greater awareness of perception
    8. It has the effect of reducing neutral fat and bad cholesterol, and can also inhibit the accumulation of liver and myocardial fat
    9. Helps increase protein muscle mass while reducing “leptin resistance”
    10.  It is especially good at protecting nerve cells and has a very significant effect on nerve regeneration
    11. Increases production of serotonin and dopamine, making it a true natural antidepressant
    12. Restorative and energizing to the liver, helps metabolize calories in a more youthful manner
    13. It easily crosses the blood-brain barrier to support cognitive function, improve memory and learning ability
    14. It can help the brain memory of the elderly and prevent the decline of memory in the elderly
    15. Helps to slow down degeneration or even restore brain function after stroke traumatic brain injury
    16. Helps improve children with autism
    17. It has a direct anti-aging effect on mitochondria and reverses memory loss
    18. It is a fat-soluble anti-gasification agent and is highly active in nerves; provides excellent protection from stress and excitotoxic damage

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