The full name of otolaryngology is “otolaryngology and head and neck surgery”. All diseases above the neck, except for the eyes, central nervous system and teeth, mostly belong to the category of otolaryngology. It can be divided into six fields: otology/neurology, rhinology, throat, head and neck tumors, pediatric otolaryngology and craniofacial plastic surgery. Everyday doctors will use the English abbreviation “ENT” (Ear, Nose and Throat) of the three words Ear, Nose and Throat to represent this science. Otolaryngology generally also includes physicians, nurses, speech therapists and audiologists

What Should I Do If My Ears Bleed?

Many people get used to digging their ears when their ears itch, thinking it is caused by earwax accumulation, but in fact there are many reasons for itchy ear

Eight Major Causes of Itchy Ear

Many people get used to digging their ears when their ears itch, thinking it is caused by earwax accumulation, but in fact there are many reasons for itchy ear

5 Major Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Otitis Externa

What is otitis externa? In hot weather, water activity is the favorite of many people to cool off the heat. However, whether it is in a swimming pool or in…