Stress Management

Find This Book and Read It Now! Reading Can Prevent Dementia, Reduce Stress, and Improve Depression!

In addition to allowing people to temporarily escape the stress of life, reading can also improve health and bring happiness and fulfillment to life. In fact, books are great for leisure and entertainment. Each book has a unique story, and you don’t have to worry about battery limitations like 3C products.

In addition, reading also has the effect of calming the mood, clearing away negative thoughts, helping to improve depression and anxiety disorders, and even reducing the risk of dementia. Below we have compiled 5 tips for you The benefits of reading

1.Relieve pressure

The impact of stress on physical health is as high as 60%. When stress is too high, the risk of stroke will increase by 50% and the risk of heart disease will increase by 40%. Of course, life cannot be completely stress-free, but we can reduce stress in some ways and prevent it from becoming a serious health problem. Reading is one of the good choices.

According to research from the University of Sussex in the UK, reading can reduce stress levels by 68%, even better than listening to music or taking a walk. Neuropsychologist Dr. David Lewis found that just six minutes of reading, whether it’s a newspaper or a book, can slow your heart rate and relieve muscle tension.

2.Make people smarter

Reading can increase the vocabulary in the brain and promote intellectual development. Research has found that the younger a child is, the more capable he or she is in reading, the more likely he is to be smarter.

A 2014 study published in the journal Child Development found that children who were strong readers at age 7 scored higher on IQ tests than children who were weaker readers.

3.Reduce anxiety

Reading can reduce negative thoughts, make people less likely to feel anxious and depressed, and has a soothing effect on the brain. When people travel through the story through the characters in the book, they will involuntarily stay away from negative and anxious thoughts.

In addition, reading can reduce feelings of alienation and loneliness from others and help treat mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

4.More empathy and social skills

A 2013 study published in the journal Science found that people who regularly read novels are better able to understand that people’s beliefs, desires, and ideas are different from their own, which means they are more empathetic.

Study author Keith. of the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the University of Toronto, Canada. Keith Oatley believes that novels will connect readers with characters in the book, making it easier for readers to empathize more with real people and develop interpersonal relationships.

5.Slow cognitive decline

As we age, brain function gradually deteriorates, but some studies indicate that in addition to helping to slow down and prevent cognitive decline, reading can also help avoid more serious cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease. ).

Researchers at Rush University Medical Center in the United States published a study in the Journal of Neurology in 2013 indicating that reading and other mentally stimulating activities may slow down the progression of dementia (commonly known as Alzheimer’s disease). Dementia), the study focused on 294 elderly people with an average age of 89. The study began about 6 years before their death and analyzed their brains. It was found that there were reading and writing habits in early and late life, or other People who engage in mental stimulation activities have fewer brain lesions and plaques that are common in people with dementia.