Stress Management

New Year’s Health and New Goals! Decompress and Study, Get More Rest

As 2024 approaches, have you set any new annual goals? In addition to work and relationship goals, many people may be overlooking another big priority – health. With a healthy body, we can continue to welcome more new years! This article will take you through what new health goals are suitable for setting in the New Year and how to achieve them!

Stay engaged with society

Open your phone’s address book and see who you have lost contact with for a long time? In fact, reconnecting with friends is good for your health! Research has confirmed that people with close social relations live longer than those with distant social relationships. In fact, a lack of social connections is as harmful to health as alcoholism and smoking, and even more serious than obesity and lack of exercise. So remember to keep in touch with family and friends, or try to catch up with old friends!

Rest more

A good night’s sleep can help improve your mood and is good for your health. Many studies have pointed out that lack of sleep is associated with an increased risk of obesity and Type 2 diabetes, so take a nap if you are tired! No need to feel guilty.

Lose weight

Losing weight has always been one of the goals that many people continue to strive for, but it is easy to say, but it takes time and effort to implement it. Starting this year, you might as well use a food diary to record your diet and review what you eat. In addition, try your best to find someone who can support and accompany you to lose weight, because most people tend to start to waver and have the idea of ​​giving up in the 4th to 6th week.

Relieve stress

Brief periods of stress can boost your mood and energy, but if stress becomes chronic, it can increase your risk of worsening health. Working long hours, lack of sleep, not exercising, eating an unbalanced diet, or not spending time with relatives and friends often will lead to accumulation of stress. Therefore, you must resolve stress well and pay attention to sleep, relaxation, social interaction, and vacations in your life.

Be a volunteer

Generally speaking, most of us think that happiness comes from “self-improvement”, but in fact, when we “help others”, our happiness will also increase, and happiness is good for health. A 2010 study found that people with positive emotions were 20% less likely to develop heart disease than those with negative emotions.

Return to school for further studies

No matter how old you are, you can be a student again. Being a student can help improve career and life skills, meet new people, and even improve your intelligence. A 2007 study found that middle-aged people who had gone back to school to study had better memory and speaking skills than those who had not. Some studies have shown that higher education is associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Quit smoking

Have you ever tried to quit smoking many times but failed? Talk to people who have successfully quit smoking and you will find that you can still successfully quit even if you fail many times. Many people often give up because they have failed many times, but most people who have successfully quit smoking have also gone through many attempts before succeeding. In addition, you can also think about how much money you can save every month if you successfully quit smoking.

Do not drink

Drinking too much alcohol affects the brain’s neurotransmitters and may increase the risk of depression, memory loss and even epilepsy. Long-term heavy drinking increases the risk of liver disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and mental decline, as well as cancers of the mouth, throat, liver and breasts.

How to successfully achieve your goals?

  1. Psychologists have found that long-range goals have a higher chance of success when they are listed in steps, concrete, measurable and staged. For example, if your weight loss goal is to lose 3 kilograms in one month, you should start by cultivating good eating habits, then calculate the nutrition and calories of the diet, and then add regular exercise, etc.
  2. Even if the goal is abstract, if you start with “changing behavior”, you have a higher chance of success.
  3. Don’t be influenced by others and follow the goals of most people, think about what you really want.
  4. Don’t set too many goals at once.
  5. To maintain positivity, you can also write down the reasons for setting the goal and how to achieve it.
  6. Tell family or friends about your goals, and you are more likely to receive support and continued motivation.
  7. You can make yourself more motivated by making a list of how to achieve your goals.
  8. Give yourself a small reward every time you achieve a small goal to help motivate yourself.
  9. Make plans and progress concrete by writing in a diary, typing on your phone, or writing in a notebook.
  10. Remember to treat any failure as a temporary setback, not a reason to give up.