Quit Smoking

The Sooner You Quit Smoking, the Greater the Benefits!

Smoking has many disadvantages. In the UK population in 2022, 12.9% of people aged 18 years and over, or around 6.4 million people, smoked cigarettes. Looking at it from another perspective, do you know the benefits of quitting smoking? In fact, from the moment you stop smoking, the human body begins to undergo subtle changes. As the time of quitting smoking becomes longer, various organs in the body will improve significantly. It only takes 72 hours of quitting smoking, and long-term smokers will feel that they can breathe more smoothly, better physical strength. We will let you know the benefits of quitting smoking and explain the changes in your body one day, one month, one year, 10 years and 20 years after quitting smoking.

20 minutes after quitting smoking

  1. Blood pressure is reduced to the value before smoking
  2. The heartbeat slows to a normal rate.
  3. The temperature of the hands and feet increases to normal levels

8 hours after quitting smoking

  1. The concentration of nicotine and carbon monoxide in the blood approaches normal values, and the concentration of tar is halved.
  2. Increased blood oxygen content

24 hours after quitting smoking

  1. Carbon monoxide is completely eliminated from the body.
  2. The lungs begin to clear phlegm and other debris, reducing the risk of heart disease.

48 hours after quitting smoking

  1. There is no residual nicotine in the body.
  2. The sense of taste and smell are significantly improved.

72 hours after quitting smoking

  1. The airway of the lung becomes clear.
  2. Increased physical fitness.

A few days after quitting smoking

  1. Sense of smell and taste continue to improve.
  2. Movement is more flexible and breathing is easier.
  3. The damage to the nerve endings begins to heal.

2 to 3 weeks after quitting smoking

  1. Blood circulation becomes better.
  2. Improved lung function and able to climb stairs normally.

1 to 3 months after quitting smoking

  1. Blood pressure decreases and pulse rate becomes slower, and circulation continues to improve.
  2. Lung cilia regenerate and lung function improves by 30%

9 months after quitting smoking

  1. Symptoms such as coughing, sinus congestion and fatigue are reduced.
  2. Lung function increases by 10%.

1 year after quitting smoking

  1. Reduce risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) by 50%

5 years after quitting smoking

  1. The risk of stroke is reduced to the same as that of a non-smoker

10 years after quitting smoking

  1. The risk of death from lung cancer is reduced by 50%.
  2. The risk of various cancers and diseases that may be caused by smoking, such as oral cancer, throat cancer, esophageal cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer and gastric ulcer, is reduced.

15 years after quitting smoking

  1. The risk of heart disease is reduced to the same as that of a non-smoker.

20 years after quitting smoking

  1. The risk of pancreatic, oral, pharyngeal, and throat cancer is reduced to the same as that of a non-smoker.
  2. Risk of cervical cancer reduced by 50%

Overall Conclusion

  1. For body health
    • Increased physical strength
    • Improve peripheral circulation and prevent cold hands and feet
  2. Eyes, nose and mouth health
    • Restoration of sense of smell and taste
    • Reduce the chance of cataracts and blindness
    • Reduce tooth atrophy and loss
  3. Respiratory system
    • Reduce cough, nasal congestion, wheezing, phlegm and sore throat,
    • Improve lung function.
    • Reduce the risk of bronchitis, pneumonia and emphysema
  4. Cardiovascular System
    • Improve blood circulation
    • lower blood pressure
    • heartbeat slows down
    • Reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke or other cardiovascular diseases
  5. Digestive system
    • Improve digestive tract health
    • Avoid gastric or duodenal ulcers
  6. Prevent cancer
    • Prevent lung cancer
    • Prevent oral cancer
    • Prevent esophageal cancer

In addition, quitting smoking can also protect the health of your family and significantly reduce personal expenses. It can be said that it kills multiple birds with one stone. Moreover, the earlier you quit smoking and the longer it takes you to quit smoking, the greater the benefit to your health.

Although it is difficult to quit smoking, by understanding the correct method of quitting smoking, the symptoms and improvement methods of quitting smoking, and seeking support from relatives and friends and the help of professional doctors, quitting smoking can become much easier and you can gradually experience the benefits of quitting smoking.