What is the Normal Heartbeat Value? Why is it Too Fast or too Slow? Teach You How to Calculate Resting Heart Rate Using Pulse

Modern people's health awareness is gradually increasing, and many people are very concerned about their blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar...

If Your Baby’s Body Turns Blue, Seek Medical Attention Immediately! Tetralogy of Fallot Disease Have a High Mortality Rate. Success Rate of Surgery Now Reaches 90%

Tetralogy of Fallot Disease is one of the common congenital heart diseases in newborns. When the baby cries due to the serious condition, the skin,...

What Should I Do If My Heartbeat is Too Slow? Don’t panic yet! Understand 9 major causes, symptoms, and treatments

Lost your wallet or dropped your phone and your heart almost skipped a beat? This is not an urban legend! Generally speaking, a heartbeat that is too slow or too fast is called an arrhythmia, and an arrhythmia may be a warning signal from your body. When the heartbeat is too fast, it is mostly … Read more

Graphical Explanation of the Difference Between Myocardial Infarction and Angina Pectoris! Understand the Symptoms, Types and Treatments At Once

Angina pectoris and myocardial infarction are both common coronary heart diseases. When atherosclerosis occurs in the coronary arteries...

Does Arterial Calcification Make Arteries Hard? Vascular Calcification Has Nothing to Do With Eating Calcium! Quit Smoking and Drinking, and Eat Healthily

Most people may have heard of atherosclerosis, and vascular calcification is a very important indicator of arteriosclerosis. The...

Are You Eating Right to Lower Cholesterol? The Functions and Side Effects of 3 Major Cholesterol-lowering Drugs Revealed

Modern people overeat and often consume too many high-cholesterol foods without regular exercise, resulting in high cholesterol concentrations in ...

How to Prevent Myocardial Infarction? Premonitory Signs of Myocardial Infarction. Comprehensive Compilation of Preventive Diet and Exercise

The temperature drops sharply from time to time in winter, so myocardial infarction always occurs quickly and quickly. Symptoms such as angina...