Eat Too Much? Or Too Oily! Hyperlipidemia May Lead to Stroke and Myocardial Infarction
It is inevitable to eat meat and fat when having dinner parties or when work is stressful, or you may also comfort yourself with some “healing foods” high in oil and sugar such as chicken steaks and burgers. However, in the long run, not only will you gain weight, but you will also be more likely to suffer from “hyperlipidemia” accidentally.
Hyperlipidemia is a common disease of civilization among modern people. There are many causes of hyperlipidemia. Nowadays, diet is one of the main causes. How should we eat to avoid hyperlipidemia? When hyperlipidemia occurs, are there any other complications? And how should blood lipids be regarded as standard? Let’s explain them one by one!
What is hyperlipidemia?
The so-called hyperlipidemia refers to excessive cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. In addition to increasing the risk of heart disease, it can also cause complications such as stroke, hypertension, diabetes, and chronic renal failure.
Blood lipids refer to fats in the blood. When the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides circulating in the blood exceeds normal values, it is called hyperlipidemia.
The diagnostic criteria for hyperlipidemia are based on the following three categories:
- Hypercholesterolemia:
Cholesterol in the blood is 200mg/dl higher than normal. - Hypertriglyceridemia:
The blood triglyceride value is higher than 200mg/dl. - Mixed hyperlipidemia:
Cholesterol and triglyceride values are both higher than 200mg/dl.

8 major causes of hyperlipidemia
Hyperlipidemia can be divided into two types: congenital and acquired. Congenital refers to congenital factors such as a family history of hyperlipidemia and genes that are not good at metabolizing blood lipids. Acquired factors may be complicated by or cause the following diseases:
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Obesity
- Sedentary and lack of exercise
- Smokes
- Drinking too much
- Poor eating habits (such as eating too much food containing saturated fat or trans fat)
- Old age
Complications of Hyperlipidemia! Stroke and myocardial infarction follow
When the concentration of fat in the blood is too high, fat will accumulate on the inner walls of blood vessels, forming fatty plaques and causing atherosclerosis. As fatty plaque accumulates, the inner diameter of blood vessels becomes narrower and narrower, leading to various cardiovascular diseases. If this occurs in the carotid artery, it will cause carotid artery stenosis; if it occurs in the renal artery, it will cause renal artery stenosis.
At the same time, fatty plaques in blood vessels may also peel off, attracting platelets to adhere to the damaged endothelium, forming blood clots and causing consequences such as coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction.
Hyperlipidemia is closely related to cardiovascular system diseases and can also affect the body’s metabolic system. Most patients are usually accompanied by the comorbidities of hypertension and diabetes.
The following are 8 common complications of hyperlipidemia:
- Atherosclerosis
- Angina pectoris
- Myocardial infarction
- Coronary heart disease
- Stroke
- Acute pancreatitis
- Heart failure
- Necrosis of peripheral limbs
What are the normal values of blood lipids?
- Total cholesterol:
The ideal value is <200mg/dL; ≧240mg/dL is the dangerous value. - Low-density cholesterol:
The ideal value is <130mg/dL; ≧160mg/dL is the dangerous value. - High-density cholesterol:
The ideal value is ≧35mg/dL; <35mg/dL is a dangerous value. - Triglycerides:
The ideal value is <200mg/dL; >200mg/dL is a dangerous value.

Listed above are ideal and dangerous values for general total cholesterol, low-density and high-density cholesterol, and triglycerides. People can compare their blood test reports to determine their blood lipid concentration, but they need to pay attention to those with diabetes, high blood pressure, long-term smoking, or those who are slightly older (men > 45 years old; women > 55 years old or have stopped menstruating).
Because complications are more likely to occur, the standard value is usually lower than normal. If you have any doubts, it is recommended that you ask a professional physician for follow-up treatment based on the standard values for your own situation.
Follow 5 principles of diet to stay away from hyperlipidemia
- Eat less high-cholesterol or processed foods:
offal, crab roe, shrimp eggs, fish eggs, hot dogs, sausages, cakes - Good oils for cooking:
olive oil, canola oil, sunflower oil. - Control fat intake:
Eat less fried food and switch to steamed, cold or stir-fried food. - Eat more fiber-rich foods:
vegetables, fruits, whole grains and other prototype foods. - Maintain good living habits:
quit smoking and drinking, exercise regularly to promote metabolism and maintain ideal weight.
If hyperlipidemia still cannot be reduced after controlling diet, doctors will often recommend drug treatment, using cholesterol absorption inhibitors, statins, nicotinic acid and other drugs to help reduce hyperlipidemia and avoid continued increase in blood lipid concentration, which may cause other complications. disease.