Don’t Think Dizziness is Okay – These 4 Types Are Stroke Warning Signs
When most people experience dizziness, they often think it is normal, but do you know that this feeling may be a sign and warning of a stroke? Let’s learn about the types of dizziness that indicate a high risk of stroke.
Dizziness may be a warning sign of stroke
Many studies have shown that people who suffer from dizziness are more likely to have a stroke; dizziness is a mild condition, and most causes are minor, but it may be a sign of an underlying disease. There are four types of dizziness, including the following:
- Vertigo: Feeling like you are moving even though you are not moving. For example, if you feel that you or the surrounding environment are spinning, you may generally feel temporary dizziness after stopping spinning in place. However, if you feel dizzy otherwise, it may be a sign of a problem with the balance system of the inner ear.
- Dizziness: You feel like you are about to faint. You may feel this way when you stand up suddenly from a squat.
- Disequilibrium: The feeling that you are about to fall.
- Anxiety: You may feel scared, worried, or depressed

Dizziness may be a warning that there is insufficient blood flow to the brain. Sometimes the blood vessels are swollen or dilated and make you feel lightheaded. Some cases are mini strokes, in which blood flow to the brain is temporarily blocked, which is a warning of a future stroke, or ischemic strokes, in which arteries carrying blood are blocked.
Test to confirm stroke
Although dizziness is a warning sign of stroke, it is not easy to diagnose whether a patient has suffered a stroke based only on the presence of dizziness and other symptoms such as vomiting, numbness, weakness, difficulty walking and speaking. During the consultation, the doctor will ask about your family disease and medical history, your symptoms and the medications you are taking. Then, they will confirm your blood pressure and use auxiliary equipment to confirm and listen to the condition of your heart. They will also recommend several blood tests for analysis when appropriate. Blood components may also be paired with brain scans such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance scans to provide detailed images of the brain.
Other causes of dizziness
As mentioned above, sudden dizziness may indicate an increased risk of stroke. But it’s not just stroke that causes dizziness. Other conditions can also cause this feeling.
- Common colds, diarrhea, or ear infections
- Meniere’s disease
- Dandy’s syndrome
- For example, cervical spondylosis and other arthritis
- Diseases such as diabetes
- Anxiety disorders

Therefore, if you experience sudden and severe dizziness, it is important to seek medical help as soon as possible. Professionals can provide advice to help prevent strokes, or at least prevent the serious conditions mentioned above.