Elderly sports

What Exercises Are Suitable For the Elderly? 3 Super Exercises to Effectively Prevent Osteoporosis!

As the saying goes, if you want to be active, you must move. Even if you are old, you still need to exercise. There are three types of exercise suitable for the elderly, including aerobic exercise that can improve cardiopulmonary function, strength training that can strengthen bones and muscles, and balance training that can help maintain balance and prevent falls. It’s never too late to develop an exercise habit, and the sooner you start, the better. As long as you choose the exercise that suits you and exercise in the correct way, moderate exercise can actually prevent diseases, reduce the risk of disease, or delay the onset of symptoms! Here are three types of exercises suitable for the elderly:

1.Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise is generally considered to be low-impact exercises, that is, exercises that do not put too much pressure on joints and bones, including walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, or riding a flywheel. Aerobic exercise will speed up the heartbeat and promote blood circulation. It is recommended that you start with gentle and short-duration exercises at the beginning, and then gradually increase the intensity and duration of exercise to allow your body to adapt in stages.

2.Muscle strength training

As age increases, the elderly lose bone mass rapidly, their muscle strength becomes poorer, and their ligaments and tendons also gradually lose their elasticity. However, strength training can help strengthen bones and muscles. In addition to reducing bone loss, it can also reduce the chance of fractures due to falls. In fact, muscle strength training is very simple, and it does not mean becoming a weightlifter or a muscular person as imagined. We can start with simple exercises, such as sitting on a chair with a bottle of water in hand. Focusing on this movement from sitting to standing can help exercise the muscles of the lower body. You can also try other movements to train different muscles, or try using elastic bands as a training tool.

It is recommended to do muscle strength training at least twice a week. After doing it once, you can rest for 2 days before continuing. When you feel stronger, you can gradually increase the intensity and time of exercise. In addition, you can also try to use elastic bands as a tool for training muscle strength. If possible, you may wish to find a professional coach for better guidance, as safety and effectiveness are more guaranteed.

3.Balance exercises

Don’t force yourself, just maintain the intensity and time that your body can bear. Remember to exercise mainly for health, not to become a professional athlete.

Choose sports equipment that is comfortable and suitable for you, such as sports shoes, swimsuits, or bicycles.
If pain occurs, or you feel chest tightness, joint discomfort, difficulty breathing, or limb weakness, please stop exercising immediately.

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