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Magnesium malate is a common dietary supplement that combines magnesium and malic acid. It can improve mood, blood sugar, exercise performance and chronic pain.



Magnesium malate is a nutritional supplement often marketed in tablet or capsule form. These supplements contain magnesium and malic acid, both of which are good for cells to produce and store energy. The magnesium in it also helps regulate the proper function of proteins and amino acids. Although no scientific studies have come to a definitive conclusion, some nutritionists and doctors believe magnesium malate may help relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Magnesium can be found in fish, black beans, and some nuts. It is also the fifth element naturally present in the human body and plays many important roles. Magnesium helps produce deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and proteins, and is often used to facilitate proper communication between cells.

Malic acid can be extracted from apple juice, and it can also be found in other fruits. This acid helps the body during aerobic and anaerobic exercise, and may get less oxygen when the body uses energy. This causes tissue hypoxia, a symptom of low oxygen supply to the body. Malic acid boosts the body’s processes against hypoxia, so bodybuilders and climbers can benefit from this nutritional supplement.

Magnesium and malic acid are often mixed into magnesium malate, because the combination of these two nutrients promotes better absorption and utilization by the body. Additionally, they both help the body produce adenosine triphosphate, a nutrient that allows cells to store energy and provide it when needed. It is produced in mitochondria and used by every cell. Therefore, not only is sufficient ATP required for exercise, but it is also important for the body to function properly.

Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are two conditions that are difficult to diagnose and treat. Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by sudden onsets of fatigue that can leave you feeling weak throughout the day. Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread pain throughout the body and sensitivity to light touch.

Although both diseases are relatively elusive, some doctors believe it is due to insufficient energy stores in the body, in which hypoxia plays a major role. Therefore, magnesium malate is also often provided as a nutritional supplement to patients with these two diseases.

But be warned, magnesium malate is only a nutritional supplement and has no proven therapeutic effect. Although both magnesium and malic acid have benefits, most people are safe to follow the recommended doses. Pregnant women, as well as people with gastrointestinal, kidney and heart conditions, should avoid magnesium malate. It has proven side effects, such as diarrhea and abdominal cramps.

Magnesium Malate Product details

Brand Now Foods
Format Tablet
Primary supplement type Magnesium
Flavour Wheat
Number of items 1